Trying to think of ways to adapt your business in 2021 as you continue to work remotely throughout the pandemic?
With many different companies and industries having to quickly shift and change to employees working from home, it has been difficult to maintain a clear and effective level of communication between both colleagues themselves, and customers/clients that a business is trying to reach.
Getting started with your own business and need inspiration on some of the best ways to reach the right people? Perhaps you’ve already been working remotely over the last twelve months, and are wondering if there’s something additional that you could be doing? Whatever the case may be, here are three key tips for reaching customers and clients remotely in 2021.
Leveraging Social Media
Social media is an imperative tool for marketing a business online in the modern day, and with a huge number of people using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in order to stay in contact with friends and family during the pandemic, now is the perfect time to start with a social strategy if you aren’t already. Additionally, using the messaging functionalities on these different social platforms will allow you to stay in contact with your customers, which can benefit both parties.
Tip – If you don’t necessarily have the time to employ a social media strategy across all platforms, then perhaps think about the core demographic that you want to reach, and then the specific sorts of platforms they’re more likely to use as a result. After all, there’s no point targeting a platform that your audience and customer base aren’t using.
Using the right technology
Aside from making sure that you’re using the right social platforms for your audience, you also need to make sure that you’re offering remote, technology-driven solutions that allow for you to continue to provide a high level of customer service. This includes making sure that you’re set up on the right video conferencing software (Teams, Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts etc.) when talking to customers/clients, and also having the ability to send them key pieces of information in sleek digital formats when required.
UK-based RWinvest are a great example of a company providing these sorts of technology-driven solutions to their clients. Not only do they utilise video conferencing software and varying pdf/podcast formats in order to showcase the latest property investment opportunities, but they even use virtual reality as a way to give investors a next-best-thing answer to viewing properties in person.
Being widely available
To finalise, this one goes without saying, but being available at all times and easily accessible to your clients/customers will not only build up trust, but also ensure that you can get the job done properly, and also secure repeat business. Being able to establish a clear line of communication between you and your clients/customers will make them feel valued, and it’s good to add a layer of personability to your service, too, so that the customer won’t feel like they’re talking to a faceless corporate entity on the other end of the screen.