You just purchased a historic hotel. You’re hoping to open it soon but also want to make sure it’s ready for the folks curious enough to come and stay in a historic site. The following are six tips to help you make it happen, starting with opening night.
1. Take Time with the Restoration
One thing you have to do is take time with the restoration. Some people rush this process, but patience is a good thing with projects like this. You want it to have the grandeur it had when it was first built. Restoration services take a long time because it’s all about the details, but you’ll be happy when it’s all done. Be sure the electric grid will meet today’s standards. You’re going to have to make sure you install ethernet outlets, wireless internet routers, and everything else you can think of. Of course, all of these changes have to be done in a way so that it won’t disturb the overall look of your historic hotel. You want people to feel like they stepped out of a time machine.
2. Add a Quaint Store
Opening up a historic hotel means you also have the opportunity to add a store. This gives you a chance to make more money when folks stay at your hotel. There are several shop ideas to consider. For example, you could add a shop specializing in antique rings and other trinkets. A store with interesting antiques and curiosities will fit perfectly with a historic hotel because your guests will feel like they’re taking a piece of history back home with them. You could have a few small stands in your hotel lobby or wherever you find space to have these items. Ideally, you’ll find antiques that feel like they belong in your hotel. For example, if your hotel feels like it’s from the 70s, you should match that era.
3. Provide Excellent Guest Service
For a hotel to remain as one of the best hotels, it must provide excellent customer service to its guests. The first and most important thing for you to do is to smile at your guests and greet them politely. This is because first impressions are lasting impressions. Keep an eye on the details by paying close attention to what your guests like and don’t like so you can suggest things in the future. Always leave guests with a pleasant memory of the hotel, so that they will want to come back again in the future.
4. Research Should Pay Off
People who love to stay in historic hotels love to do so because there’s history there. Therefore, it’s important to know everything there is to know about the history of the hotel you’ve purchased. Sometimes, this means doing extensive research, reading books, or reading old newspaper clippings. Hunting down every piece of historic information about property isn’t always easy, especially because this type of history isn’t even online yet. Still, all this history will be worth it because you’ll be able to answer questions about the hotel when asked. In addition, you could place little information cards or placards around the hotel with a history snippet for folks to read and learn.
5. Find the Theme
Each hotel has a theme, and historic hotels should reflect the era it was built or reached its peak success. Consult historians and other experts to determine which paint colors, fabrics, furnishings, and fixtures are appropriate. Use old photographs of the hotel to replicate the look down to every curtain, lamp, and rug.
6. Refine Your Advertisements
It’s important to learn how to advertise your hotel. A historic hotel should be advertised using things like the theme but also in the right places. You should advertise in your local community newspaper or bulletin. You want to advertise in local antique shops and stores, too. People who love vintage things are going to appreciate your hotel’s vibe. Of course, you also have to advertise online like any other hotel, but make sure you point out that it’s a unique experience because your hotel is exceptional. The more you refine your advertisement, the less you’ll have to spend on it.
Now, you know how to reopen your historic hotel. But, if you want some additional ideas, make sure you check out other restored historic hotels like yours and see what they’ve done to be successful.