A digital agency is probably one of the best types of businesses nowadays. So, if you had the idea to start one on your own, we can only congratulate you.
However, this doesn’t mean that things will be easy for you. Competition is harsh on this market sector, so you’ll need to do something to set your digital agency apart from the rest. As any business owner, one of your main goals is to help your digital agency grow. To make this happen, you will need a set of effective measures, which include great customer service.
A business cannot exist without customers and they are the only ones that can stimulate the growth of a company. Although growing your agency can seem like a daunting task, you can do this by following several simple tips. Check them out and see what you can do to make your digital agency stronger and more profitable.
- Make sure the agency’s website is properly optimized
How can you grow your digital agency if it’s hard for customers to find you? Where do people start their search first? The answer is Google, of course, so you need to make sure your agency’s website ranks well on Google. It’s funny because clients contact your agency to upgrade the optimization of their websites and even if this a fact, many digital agency owners tend to leave aside the optimization of their websites. So, make sure not to fall into this group. Your website is just as important as the websites of your clients because it is the most important tool that brings in clients.
Besides taking care of content and functionality, it may be worth opting for the services provided by a web design agency. This way, your digital agency will provide a fresh-looking and easy-to-navigate website to anyone interested in the services you offer.
- Use the stories of successful customers as case studies
There’s nothing better than the story of a customer that ended up being successful due to the efforts of your agency. However, this is something enjoyed not just by your team members or employees, but also by those looking to find out more about the agency. Creating case studies out of the success stories of some of your clients is probably the best marketing strategy you can employ. Nothing sells better than a success story. Without a doubt, others will want to enjoy the same degree of success and will contact you in a very short period.
How to employ this method well? Have a word with your successful clients and see which of them are willing to share their stories. So, yes, they will have to tell their stories to potential customers, rather than you writing the story as you think it works. It is much more effective this way, as the story comes from the person that actually lived the entire experience. Your agency will, of course, back the story up with relevant data, which will increase the credibility of the story.
- AI can be the ally you’ve been looking for
It’s well-known that personalized services are a great way to win customers over. But when you have a good number of projects in hand, and you need to focus on the growth of your business as well, this can turn into a daunting task. Luckily, AI can do this part for you. Because it can learn on its own and efficiently use acquired data, AI can come up with personalized marketing strategies. This means that each important customer will be approached with a strategy that speaks best in his case. Without a doubt, this will set you apart from the rest, who may use generalized marketing strategies.
AI is an incredible tool that will discover the interests of the customer, what he may be tempted to buy, and interpret his behavior. You can also use this type of technology to make the buying process simpler and to analyze the algorithms, for a clearer view of what works and what doesn’t.
- Utilize the right kind of tools
The only way to grow your agency is to see where you are at the moment and how much you grew from the last time you checked. Keeping an eye on performances and evolution will let you know if growth is occurring at the desired rate or if there is something on the way. When you have such information, you will be able to adjust the growth strategy so that it provides more desirable results. So, make sure to use the right tools for rank checking from an SEO point of view, analysis of SEO keywords, digital analytics, and site audience comparison.
- Your clients should enjoy a simple onboarding procedure
Nobody enjoys processes that take too long, especially when it comes to first-time meetings. When you have the chance to acquire a new client, it’s worth making sure that everything runs smoothly right from the start. Thus, an onboarding procedure that is simple and allows the client to be part of your agency in just a few easy steps will certainly leave a great impression. After all, an important goal is to turn an interested customer into a long-term one. This is why you should make sure the client has everything needed to take this first contact to a fruitful collaboration with your agency.
- Provide instant answers to the most common types of questions
It’s not always easy or convenient to be there for your customers. Many may have all sorts of questions for your agency, questions that take precious time to answer. So, again, you should turn to technology for aid. A chatbot can provide a conversational interface to all of your customers, while your employees take care of more important matters. This way, a customer is greeted fast and enjoys a wide range of answers when human interaction is not possible right away.
- Live content is king
While we do still consume a lot of written content, video content is increasingly more popular. What does this mean to you and your digital agency? You should provide marketing packages that include live videos. It was discovered that a good number of people prefer watching the marketing video of a brand than reading information about it. So, if you want to keep your customers happy and acquire more of them in a short period, give them the possibility to advertise with the help of live videos.
About the Author
Mark Walden is a financial writer and entrepreneur. He is also an investment analyst. He is focusing on stock, forex, alternative investment and structured finance. As a content creator he has helped establish the voice and brand for companies such as TRADERSCAP which is providing managed account service worldwide. In his leisure, he loves to travel around the world.