“I think recognition and applause are needed when we encounter awesome service” – John Tschohl
I was on the public tennis court on a Thursday in Bloomington at about 3 PM when my former mailman, Scott Pelton, got out of his delivery vehicle and approached me.
He had a package from Switzerland that had arrived Monday at my former office. I moved 13 months earlier. He had been looking for me for 3 days and had given up and sent the package to be returned. Scott was excited to see me (the tennis court is only a few blocks from my old office).
Scott called the US Post Office where he works and found the package was still there. He drove over to get it and returned to the tennis court to give me the package. This is what I call outstanding customer service.
Roger Schmid, our licensee in Switzerland had sent the new German “Healthcare with Feelings” to my former address, and the Post Office only keeps a forwarding address for 12 months. Scott saved us a lot of time and money.
When I tried to call or write the Post Office, they only take complaints. Today I finally got a hold of someone from the Minnesota area who was excited to learn about the outstanding service delivered by Scott Pelton. Employees love to give great service.
Each of us has to make a big deal out of it when it happens. Constant recognition is the most powerful tool for creating high-performing employees. Most employees do not receive the appreciation and recognition they crave, and this is one of the MAJOR reasons for high employee turnover. Everyone wants to feel valued, loved, and appreciated. Too many managers think the annual performance review is enough appreciation.
Too many managers, supervisors, and department leaders think with their head instead of their heart. Their verbal communication skills are weak. Service Quality Institute has a program called Coaching for Success that is available online (when you have managers at remote locations), in-house seminars, and products you can skilfully implement on-site with your own trainers.
Employees like Scott need to be rewarded, recognized, and valued. Make a big deal of things when employees provide awesome service.
About the Author
John Tschohl is a professional speaker, trainer, and consultant. He is the President and founder of Service Quality Institute (the global leader in customer service) with operations in over 40 countries. John is a self-made millionaire traveling and speaking more than 50 times each year. He is considered to be one of the foremost authorities on service strategy, success, empowerment and customer service in the world. John’s monthly strategic newsletter is available online at no charge. He can also be reached on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
For more information on John Tschohl and the Service Quality Institute, visit www.customer-service.com.