Axis Group, one of the UK’s fastest growing security, cleaning, front-of-house and support services organisations, hosted an Institute of Customer Service CEO breakfast briefing during October’s National Customer Service Week designed to bring UK business leaders together and engage them in the importance of customer service in the boardroom.

CEOs attended from sectors ranging from housing and construction, to tourism and utilities. Themes discussed included: how to develop and implement a vision for the UK as a global service leader; how organisations can connect customer service and satisfaction measures to bottom line business performance; what skills and competencies are required in the board room; and accountability and reporting.
Challenges faced by the UK’s service industry, such as Brexit, cyber security, artificial intelligence, skills shortages and the growing powers of customers and review sites were discussed, alongside the growing importance of trust and reputation.
Axis Group joined as a member of The Institute of Customer Service last year and is currently working towards The Institute’s ServiceMark accreditation – the national standard for measuring an organisation’s service levels and commitment to continuous improvement.
Jo Causon, CEO, Institute of Customer Service, says:
“A huge thank you to Axis Group for hosting our latest CEO Breakfast event. The debate highlighted the importance of a focus on customer-centricity at board-level and the improvement in business performance this brings. At a time of even greater uncertainty, a sustained approach to delivering an exceptional customer experience has never been more important.”
Jonathan Levine, Axis Group CEO, says the event provided fascinating insight:
“We were shown the clear and measurable benefits of investing in customer service in terms of retaining business and customer recommendations, as well as the link between an engaged workforce and excellent customer service,” he explains. “Customer service and focusing on our employees being our greatest asset is key to our business strategy, designed to mitigate the challenges that our industry faces.”
The Institute of Customer Service is the leading independent expert setting and upholding the standards to enable its customers to improve their business performance through service. By supporting members in transforming customer service and professionalism within their organisations, its aim is for customer experience to make a positive and sustained impact on individuals, organisations and the economic well being of the UK.