Welcome to the forum and to the industry. Having trouble with the hard ones, hey? Well, bless your heart, and again, welcome to our world!
There are only about one billion books - - and some simple google searches will source them for you.
Since you're a relative newbie, I would start you out on some Kenneth Blanchard - - Raving Fans, etc. See the bookstore right here on the Forum. He's a good read, short and easy, and he's dead-on. He's also a very spiritual and principled man. I've had the honor to meet him several times, so I am biased!
The best experiential advice that I have to offer is this: pay close attention to these disgruntled customers. It is from them that you will learn the most: about your organization, your product(s), and yourself. Hear what they are saying. Don't let defensiveness get in the way of the message. Whether their angst is valid or not is irrelevant, because it is VERY valid to them.
Oh, and second best experiential advice is this. If the disgruntlement comes in written form...PICK UP THE PHONE AND CALL HIM/HER. Do not respond via mail or email. It's perfectly ok (and probably most wise) to recap your telephone conversation (with hopefully the subsequent agreed upon remedy) in a "wrap-up" email. But tone, attitude and intent NEVER come across correctly in written form. You must hear them.
Good luck! Karen |