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Anyone using --CISCO phone system -- and Call Center Software ? ! ?

Author managecsmstuff
#1 | Posted: 11 Nov 2008 10:27 
I know this may be a sensative subject for those of us who are using phone systems or call center software that we hate but is anyone using a Cisco system? And specifically (since our IT dept has already ok'd the switch and phones, hardware etc) I'm looking into what CALL CENTER SOFTWARE Cisco has for Call Center mangers. Do you have? do you like? which version? does it give you good reports? metrics? occupancy for example? can you combine chats into the queues? Love? like? hate? would LOVE to know before we buy as you can imagine. Thanks in Advance! p.s. we're also thinking about looking at Shoretel if anyone has that experience. :)

Author SharonW
#2 | Posted: 16 Nov 2008 17:21 
Hi there, we use a Cisco IP 7940 Series, and have done for some 5 years. My team piloted the system nationally and after the initial hiccups we have found it is a great managemnent tool. The reports that can be produced are vast, but we have found over time there are a few that we tend to stick to that give us the valid data without being seen as "big brother watching you". We have sold it to the staff as a means to be fair and transparent, and a training tool rather than a just a tool to collect data.
The system can have many add ons which does make a difference to what data you can retreive.
Overall I have to say it makes managing a team easier as you are not acting on hearsay and it removes all the emotions from decisions - you always have the data at hand to back up any decisions.
Our call volume is not exceptionally high in comparison to some other industries and we are not a "true" call centre, but the software has enabled us to work smarter and to have a better staff to call ratio.
If this system is similar to the one you are considering and you would like any specifics please let me know.

Author ydwhite
#3 | Posted: 31 Jan 2009 05:04 

Thanks for sharing. Did you by any chance do a comparison of the Cisco and Avaya product?


Author SharonW
#4 | Posted: 10 Feb 2009 13:26 
Hi Yvonne, sorry for the delay in responding but I have had some leave.

I have never had anything to do with the Avaya product so can't offer any comment here.

Kind regards

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 Anyone using --CISCO phone system -- and Call Center Software ? ! ?

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