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Benchmark for conversion rates in Customer Service Centres

Author maggied
#1 | Posted: 10 Nov 2008 17:03 
Hi, I look after a small customer service centre to track leads in and convert business from across the diverse areas of our business. Does anyone know where i could find some benchmarking data of average conversion rates from sales leads? ie 25% of leads are converted to sales etc?


Author KarenSB
#2 | Posted: 12 Nov 2008 05:20 
Hi Maggie,

I am not aware of any benchmarking in this area, but there could be well be. My sense is that the answer is 'it depends.'

I think that there are valid measurements that can be conducted along the way. For example, of the X number of leads in hand, only Y may be valid leads. Of those Y number of leads, how many can be converted to sales? And/or, of those Y number of leads, how many can be converted to sales for Product A and how many for Product B?

If it helps at all, I tend to fall back on the 80/20 rule when in doubt. And I tend to use it for every type of measurement. I assume 80% trends toward negative, and 20% is a maybe. Then of that 20%, I break it down again and assume 80% trends negative, leaving me 20% as viable. Not at all scientific, but it generally leaves me with numbers I can actually use for a base.

Good luck,

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Benchmark for conversion rates in Customer Service Centres

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