I AGREE 100%. I have experienced so much by this society. How about that pill for ID. About BOB, swelling with pride. My husband was flipping through the channels and came unglued. There was a mini movie I think that was on like lifetime or something like that. It was around 10 or 11 am, and this man pushed this woman up against the wall, and they were going at it. There was nothing, and I mean nothing left to the imagination. There are children at home, where parents have that channel protection, so they won't see that kind of stuff, but they would because it was on a regular station, not HBO or Cinemax. My husband and I play cityville on facebook. When we were looking into the mass players to ask them to be neighbors, I seen a woman giving a guy a b@%$#%b as a picture. Hello kids play this game!! So actually, it is not not just Target. It's everywhere. |