Naresh, you're too kind, thanks. If you take a look at the subject CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT in this forum, you should see a couple of people that work in CRM, so they would be the experts. I remember Barry from a recent post, and we were talking about survey usage and how good it is and what is really going on with a customer experience. My impression is that he has a lot of background in methodology that would work for specific needs and that he would speak about it in clear language that makes sense. There are also a couple of articles here that present an overview of CRM and its applications.
If you were to pursue the topic with me, I would ask what is it you are trying to achieve, do you want to put together all kinds of facts about your customers, do you want to stay in touch with them, do you want to ask how they like your product, do you want them to buy another product, do you want to know what they are buying instead, do you want to send out a promotional communication to them -- and do you want to handle the requirements for any of these inside the organization, pay a third party to handle it, do you need software, do you need people, how much time do you have, what is driving the need for this? (All of that, and I may not have my finger on the answer, ha ha.)
Keep in mind, I would not necessarily be the person to fill in the blanks, but I would probably be good at instigating a reaction or a thought in you, and you would already know the rest or know where to look for it. And really, some of the things I listed are topics that others specialize in every day more closely. So maybe some of those people will chime in and accelerate some of the answers before I can. |