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Congratulate customer service team member based on good feadback from customer

Author chan08
#1 | Posted: 17 Nov 2009 09:08 
I need an email template to give compliments and recoginition to one of my staff who involved to acknowledge and encourage in good level of service to customer. At the same time, i iwll need to take this as an opportunity to motivate my other reps to encourage them to provide effective service experience to our valued customers. Please share your thoughts on this

Author kaffy
#2 | Posted: 20 Nov 2009 06:20 
I would recommend that you do not use a template to give recognition and thanks in this way (unless you mean just a style template of pictures and boxes etc). To template the words will seem insincere and can devalue what you are trying to achieve by saying thanks in the first place. I hand-write a card to each of my agents who I hear positive feedback about, whether that feedback comes from a customer or colleague, I try to recognise when people have done a really great job and put in a bit of effort myself to show them how much I appreciate it. Hope this helps.

Author ayaree
#3 | Posted: 15 Dec 2009 09:22 
Chan, I really like Kaffy's response to you. It's a good couple of weeks since you wrote that, but I will comment in case it comes up again, and maybe somebody else has got a similar scenario. You don't want to make this opportunity a direct mail exercise, because it will make it that much closer to receiving junk mail rather than a special moment of recognition. Even if you had a "program" whereby you served out pieces of recognition to a volume of individuals over time (ie, for a large team), I can see where you would feel helped by a couple of lines pre-set for you. But I would still say that there should be a handwritten element to it that speaks to the person, rather than the resident at unit X on street Y whose name you happen to have knowledge of.

If you picture yourself receiving a personal letter at home and it is not personalized, you would begin to get the idea. It shouldn't feel great to receive a form letter in that context. Well, people do their best to keep home at home when they go to work, but the reality is that we take our hearts to work with us. So if we want someone to feel good about something they did, then it deserves a human touch, not a printer :)

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Congratulate customer service team member based on good feadback from customer

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