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Custoemr Services Manager interview...

Author key4174
#1 | Posted: 15 Oct 2009 13:27 
I have an interview on Monday for the role of customer services manager, which includes a 20min presentation followed by a 1 hour interview by a panel of 3. I have everything under control and I'm confident with interview situations, but there is one question I'm fighting with and I'm hoping I can find help on here.

The question is 'How do you feel your success should be measured?'

The company is an online retail company, and from what I understand the majority of orders come via email.

Any help would be appreciated


Author garyclem
#2 | Posted: 16 Oct 2009 04:03 
Your measurement systems should include
the introduction of a customer satisfaction survey
speed of delivery, ease of contact, etc

Customer Loyalty based on repeat orders
complaint measurement

These would be the starting point of customer service measurement

Author key4174
#3 | Posted: 16 Oct 2009 06:01 
Customer Loyalty based on repeat orders and complaint measurements are two great one to include thanks, I've already penned customer satisfaction survey and product delivery.

I also like the idea of implementing my availablity.

Thanks for your suggestions

Author claudia2009
#4 | Posted: 4 Nov 2009 02:23 
I hope you had a good interview..you could also add quck customer response to solving issues.

#5 | Posted: 27 Nov 2009 15:18 
I don't know how the interview when since I just joined the team and became member. In the future I will try to give my input.

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Custoemr Services Manager interview...

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