Ok, the way I see it, you are looking to purchase your customer's loyalty through some sort of "scheme" i.e. a frequent purchaser discount, etc. Frankly, I don't think these work.
Here's the problem, you are asking them to first make a few purchases, then if they meet certain criteria, you'll drop your price. I don't know about you, but I easily see through this sort of "promotion" and regard it as a discount meant only for those who can "buy their way in." Beyond that, you'll need to constantly drop your prices to keep these "loyal" customers satisfied, giving away your profit and begging your competition to drop their price just a little more to steal your customers away.
Instead, how about giving your customers something at no charge, but packed with value? I think a newsletter might be just the ticket here. Pack it full of helpful hints like:
- How to properly care for lingerie - What's new in the marketplace - A few ads or "E" coupons they can use - Small articles on other romantic ideas like mood setting, places to go to "get away," or where to buy the prettiest candles
Collaborate with other vendors of "romantic" items like owners of Bed and Breakfasts, Candle Vendors, Perfume Vendors, etc. I believe that a newsletter of this sort will do much to generate the sort of loyalty your seeking as your customers will see that you really care about them. Better yet, you'll no longer need to drop your price to get them to buy from you! Let's face it, they like that!
Wear the Right Hat! Bill |