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Author mytraining
#1 | Posted: 18 Jun 2008 09:58 
Who can explain in detail what Customer Relationship management is all about. I am getting confused about this concept.

Author glath
#2 | Posted: 18 Jun 2008 10:48 
I found this article right here on CSM helpful:


Author ayaree
#3 | Posted: 18 Jun 2008 16:54 
I agree, the article is a good snapshot.

Something else to point out is that you often find people using terms their own way. For example, if a term means a broad scope of things, some people like to use it to describe only one thing in particular, and that can be misleading if people are not scouting around, looking for all the current meanings for the terms - and buzzwords - that are in our midst. Somebody might say CRM to mean the concept of staying in touch or being thoroughly involved in all ways of knowing a body of customers (or maybe potential ones); while somebody else might say CRM to talk about software. Another one is SLA, for Service Level Agreement. In some cases, companies agree to SEVERAL prescribed details that will be a standard to judge performance. But you can have people using the word SLA to mean "did something get there on time."

I noticed a few years ago that the word Relationship was all the rage, and it still is in my world. Another one is "owns," as in "he owns customer satisfaction" as a deliverable.

I have not been around for a lot of decades, but I do find that we see new word inventions every once in a while, and they are not necessarily signifying a new phenomenon, just a new way of talking about it. Keeps us all looking for the freshest outlook, I guess. But we can also step back and be productive with down-to-earth (common) language. We shouldn't put our employees or our customers through a lot of contortion acts when it comes to hearing a message. Not that intellectual contortion in language is without its uses.

Author Flavia Andrades
#4 | Posted: 3 Jul 2008 03:59 
Customer Relationship Management - is all about maintaing a relation with the customer using high technology which enhances personal touch and so do performance. It is just being one step ahead in providing personalised service, as human being we always wants something more so do our customers they always expect something more from the service provider for the price they are paying in.

Utimately it is the customer who makes you happy at the end of the day. Hence the phrase goes " Happy customer bring more business

Author pvgk
#5 | Posted: 30 Jul 2008 23:25 
crm is a link between the management and the customer. he draws a a golden line between the two. he knows the pulse of both the sides and makes an all out effort to save the both faces. much to the surprise he acts as if he is for the customer when he talks to him and sides management in times of crisis.


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