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Customer Responsiveness Feedback

Author mks_krish
#1 | Posted: 24 Dec 2005 09:39Reply Quote  
Hi All,

I face a challenge in requesting customers to evaluate our customer service quality (It is basically a feedback process). We are sending mails to customers for evaluation of our support practises and unless if we compell and do many followups very few only doing evaluation. How to make customers to respond to our emails for doing evaluation every quarter (3 months). If any body has useful sugesstion, that will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Author johnkemp
#2 | Posted: 4 Jan 2006 02:21Reply Quote  
What's in it for me?

Put yourself in your customers' shoes - what benefit is there for completing your feedback form? If there isn't why should they bother!

Here are a few tips that might help:

- Ask your customers to help you improve the service you provide
- Provide feedback on actions you have taken following feedback
- Keep your questions short - limit the amount of time your customers
have to spend providing you with comments
- Don't repeatedly keep asking the same customers for feedback - limit
individual contracts to once a year
- Consider starting a customer panel to get more specific with your feedback

Have a look at Surveylab's website for information about effective online surveys. There's also a White Paper there on Consumer Panels.

Good Luck

John Kemp

Author surveywerks
#3 | Posted: 6 Jan 2006 11:11Reply Quote  
I agree with John.

You need to provide an incentive for your customers. Also, if you've been doing this for several years, but the customers don't see any change resulting from their feedback they may already be a little put off.

1. Give everyone some kind of benefit. Maybe a coupon our voucher for discounts off future services.

2. Let them know why your conducting the survey and what you plan to do with the information.

3. As mentioned in the above response, keep the survey simple, short and meaningful.

Best Regards,

Waheed Subhani

Author mks_krish
#4 | Posted: 7 Jan 2006 06:31Reply Quote  
John Kemp/Wahid Subhani

Thanks for your comments. Your points make more sense to me.

I will try to put it to customers.

Thanks guys.

I wish you all and your Family an Happy and very properous New Year 2006

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Customer Responsiveness Feedback

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