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Customer Service KPO's - help

Author runnergirlee
#1 | Posted: 8 Jun 2011 10:26Reply Quote  
I am struggling to develop some good KPO's for my customer service team...we are a food processor and the customer service department is primarily responsible for order entry and order management. We are not held to financial goals. Other than customer calls and follow up, what other SMART goals can you suggest? Thanks!

Author DeniseLoveCMS
#2 | Posted: 2 Oct 2011 17:37Reply Quote  
We track first pass yield (% of orders that get shipped with no delay for order entry errors) and out of box (% of orders that reach the customers with errors - qty, product, shipping etc).

First pass yield example: we enter an order and the part # entered has a note telling order entry personnel to use another part # - this is caught in the packing warehouse and order entry is contacted. the warehouse tracks these and forwards to us daily for tracking and coaching.

OOB - customer order is shipped and customer calls because there is an error with ... part # entered, part shipped is wrong or wrong quantity shipped, shipped to wrong location etc.

Author Gschoolman
#3 | Posted: 14 Oct 2011 05:17Reply Quote  
I am also in the food manufacturing business and we have been keeping track of each order and recording if it was late= 0%, short (how many are short)=the % of the order completed, complete=100%, complete with replacement=100%. I do this for each client and then come up with an overall customer service score. I then also have a combined overall customer service level score and keep track of each month on a separate spreadsheet. We are very manual here and have had to come up with ways to measure these things. This also tells you if your score is down due to late shipments, short shipments, etc. You then know what to do to improve. I have not come up with a way to evaluate or measure the actual coordinators as each customer is handled differently.

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 Customer Service KPO's - help

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