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Customer Service Metrics

Author joancarterorbit
#1 | Posted: 29 Aug 2008 08:49 
I have read a lot regarding call center environment metrics but I am interested in more of the customer service environment metrics. We sell to large retailers and some of the metrics we currently use are
1. Order Processing Lead time
2. Order Error % (this is the order from the customer comes in correctly with what we have in our internal system)
3. Reduce the # of backorders

I would like to know if anyone else in a similiar industry uses these types of metrics or if they have other suggestions and what those benchmarks are.

Any input would be great.

Author smcc
#2 | Posted: 16 Sep 2008 22:51 
Hi Joan,

We also use similar metrics. One thing to bear in mind in terms of accuracy is if one line of an order is incorrect does that mean the entire order is incorrect. We currently report the same as yourself however will be changing to compare against lines keyed. This shows a true reflection of accuracy.

We also report on timeframe for orders to be keyed.

Also I report on
- no of orders
- av lines per order

Hope this helps.
Do you have any idea around best practice for accuracy. I can't seem to fidn the data.


Author joancarterorbit
#3 | Posted: 19 Sep 2008 13:52 
Hi Shane,

Thanks for your input, the only best practice I have been able to find was from a US Govt. study that indicated best practice of 95% accuracy.

Author sandy223
#4 | Posted: 24 Sep 2008 12:42 
The interesting thing is that most questions have several answers so you can get different opinions and views. The people seem to really know what they are talking about and have a lot of information and insight to share. From what I can tell at first glance, the people responding are more in the call center set of customer service professionals (i. e. customer service looked at as a cost center - not one of opportunity), but for more technical things and metrics, the information is interesting.
sandy romeo


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 Customer Service Metrics

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