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Customer Service Metrics examples

Author bbanfill
#1 | Posted: 4 Dec 2007 09:50 
I am in process of putting together a Scorecard of metrics to measure the effectiveness of my customer support group. I'm looking for examples of what others may be measuring. My atmosphere is not a call center, but deals with managing orders and follow up.

any thoughts would be helpful.

Author wendyb
#2 | Posted: 5 Dec 2007 02:44 
Do you leverage off call centre technology bbanfill? do you have a logging system for tasks/activity? I might be able to shoot some stuff to you.......

Author Chaunda
#3 | Posted: 5 Dec 2007 14:21 
You know bbanfill, we have had that same dillema for awhile and I am curious to know what others do. We have a team that does not take front calls, but they do answer customer inquiries that come to them from the csa's that we have on our call center floor. We have a ticketing system that we use, but we are not really able to measure their productivity on a given day because the work fluctuates. I started a data tracking sheet several months back, but we can't quite use that either. So I am curious if anyone has any suggestions

Author johnny458
#4 | Posted: 17 Jan 2008 09:31 
Hello BBanfill & Chaunda,

When we work in a department or a process where we do not have a well defined set of measurable metrics in place, we need to look at all available and measurable options. I work in such an environment myself and I have the following suggestions to you and I am going to list them as follows:

1. Attendance: The agents need to be rewarded for being regular. X number of points for this metric.

2. Punctuality: Being punctual is just as important as being regular. Y number
of points here.

3. Every ticket that is COMPLETELY processed and RESOLVED gets Z number of points

4. Every ticket that is COMPLETELY processed and CORRECTLY REFERRED to the CORRECT REFERRAL GROUP also gets Z number of points

5. Any technical / Non-technical documentation / contribution that is accepted by the management which would help to improve the process as a whole should also be given a certain number of points.

6. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) should be an important metric. It is really not necessary to have advanced tools to measure CSAT. You could just create a simple survey through places www.surveymonkey.com and send
it to randomly selected customers.

7. Ofcourse, any ticket that is returned / bounced due to agent error will attract negative points.

8. If you think the total number of tickets processed can be counted as a metric, then go right ahead otherwise, it really need not be a part of the metrics. (In my case, the total number of tickets processed cannot be
considered as a metric because we work across different processes where the number and nature of tickets keep changing all the time.

Good luck !


Author Chaunda
#5 | Posted: 18 Jan 2008 10:24 
Thanks Johnny! That is helpful information! We currently have scorecards set up for the team, but we just can't define the productivity, but I think this will definitely help us.

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Customer Service Metrics examples

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