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Customer Service should be easily accessible or not.

Author peppermint
#1 | Posted: 8 Jan 2008 02:09Reply Quote  
The company wants to develop a customer service dept. They want it situated at the back of the company on the 2nd floor. I feel it should be in the showroom where it is easily accessible to customers. Why have a CS Dept if it is hidden away from Customers?Your comments and View will be appreciated.


Author glath
#2 | Posted: 23 Jan 2008 03:42Reply Quote  
Hi Ayesha, I would go for the showroom...why? because I can tell from your post that you should be as near as possible to your customers. Why not put together a list of for's and against reasons and present it to your boss (or the decision maker in the matter). Run it by your team first to get their agreement.

Good luck!

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Customer Service should be easily accessible or not.

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