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Customer Service Tips

Author lisak10
#1 | Posted: 21 Jun 2006 07:15Reply Quote  
I'm a Quality Assurance Coach at a customer service call center. We are having a couple of days dedicated to our employees and how to make their jobs easier. I'm looking for some literature that I can gather to make a best practices packet. I'm looking for best "phrases" to use. Example. Instead of saying "I'm not your adjuster" say "Let me direct you to the person handling your case, here's there name and number". Anyone know where I might find some info on this? Thanks

Author esteneker
#2 | Posted: 9 Jul 2006 09:49Reply Quote  
Hi Lisa,

I can wholeheartedly recommend "Up your service!" by Ron Kaufman. I did a review on my site on this page:

While it isn't a collection of "best phrases" (but I doubt that is what you need), it describes in great detail about creating a 'can do' attitude.

Hope this helps,

Erwin Steneker

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 Customer Service Tips

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