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Customer service week

Author Hlanze2020
#1 | Posted: 12 Aug 2009 07:07 
Good day,
I had just been appointed to a customer service manager in the past three months. Can you guys kindly assist me with any cost effective ideas on creating customer service awareness. I was thinking of utilising the customer service week for starters. Your ideas would be much appreciated.

Author KarenSB
#2 | Posted: 12 Aug 2009 09:13 
Congrats on the appointment!

Here's one that I like to do on a somewhat regular basis. Mid-morning on Mondays, once a month or so, I'll pull the team together and ask about their weekend activities. Inevitably, someone had a bad customer service experience. We will then take that episode and parse it...talk about everything that happened, the sequence of events, the feelings expressed, the stated positions of the Victim and of the Offender, the outcomes, and what WE would have done (whether victim or offender), and what we WILL do should a similar predicament surface in our organization.

It's cheap (read: free), it's relevant, and it keeps customer focus front and center for the team.

Good luck!

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Customer service week

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