Hello Ayaree,
Thank you for your comments and your thoughts on my posting. I respect your opinions and they certainly provided me with a moment of reflection as to my purpose for seeking assistance with obtaining a better understanding of what an EI test is all about.
After briefly pausing to digest your message, I found that in your answer to my questions, it appears to me that you were a bit too eager to voice an opinion contrary to my request and in doing so, you may have missed several key elements containing the substance of my request. They were as follows: 1). I did not ask for a copy of the actual exam. 2). I was not seeking a copy of the actual exam, hence no mention of the employer's name. 3). I clearly stated, and I quote, "so that I am familiar with how the test are structured." 5). I clearly stated my intent which was to be directed to or provided with a means to "self test." 6). At no point did I indicate or even entertain the demeanor of someone seeking to mirror or duplicate thought patterns or skill levels of anyone other than myself, and I quote, "I do not wish to do anything unethical and I have read on a few web sites that some employers will provide you with a copy of the test. Unfortunately, this employer only provides the sample test to current employees wishing to prepare for the test."
Ayaree, I was seeking to gain a better understanding of the various types of EI test I might encounter on test day. Not being familiar with an EI exam, I sought to obtain structural knowledge of this type of exam. Not unlike any other challenge one may have an opportunity to undertake, it is always best, if possible, to be prepared to the best on ones ability prior to the undertaking. Not unlike studying for a college exam, or studying for one's driver's license, or maybe even studying for a state licensing exam. There are quizzes and sample test leading up to the big test. Being that I am a pretty logical thinker, my reasoning for these pre cursers to the "Big One" is to stimulate ones thought processes and to awaken dormant skills, to energize a thought process that may provide one with an awareness of a depth of forgotten abilities and potential contributions to be made to the organization, institution, or agency administering the exam. In essence, to be prepared to shine one's best light on test day. More appropriately, to shine "MY" best light on test day. Since, as I stated above, this employer provides sample test for current employees, as do other employers to prospective employees, it would stand to reason that my quest to become better prepared for the test is a logical quest to pursue. To quote you, Ayaree, "Is the purpose of the test to determine who is the best at sourcing the maximum criteria that should and ought to appear on this doggone test?" I could not agree with you more. Well said. And in that same vane and following your rationale, would it not be beneficial to both the employer and the prospective employee to be as prepared as possible to take such a test having prepared and pre-stimulated ones self awareness and possibly re-energized dormant job related learned and innate abilities???
I will state again that your comments are thought provoking and although somewhat egotistical, I respect your right to comment on my very public post. I would like to close with a little reminder and a caveat to your advice, and I quote you Ayaree, "I think it would be great for you to come to the forum with experiences to share..." Again, I find that I must agree with you and follow up with this question to you....what experience did you share with me in your response to my request for the sharing of knowledge and experiences from members of this forum, you being one of those members? If the restrictions and conditions for participation in this forum are that one can only babble on about ones achievements and render unwarranted misjudgments and only after meeting an unknown, non-disclosed, pre-determined number of babblings can one ask to be enlightened or simply pointed in a right direction, then this is not a forum where one would go to share, support, encourage, or contribute to the development of individuals who are truly motivated by their self awareness of a genuine and immensely fulfilling desire to provide excellent service to the public, including you, Ayaree.
In closing and in holding true to my determination to continually strive to always enter and exit life with positive energy, it is important for me to state that although I feel fairly confident in my assessment of your reply to my post, I nevertheless exit with saying to you that if I am by any means, off the mark, then I sincerely apologize to you and I do wish you well in life and in health.
Penny |