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Engaging All employees

Author garyclem
#1 | Posted: 16 Oct 2009 03:56 
Hi to All -- I am new member in LIverpool England.My company manages guys who dig holes for water companies and lay water pipes. We are looking to enhance the customer service skills of our manual workers. Any thoughts ideas, these guys are basically your everyday Joe and Macs.
There are two aspects to consider we already have a programme available that deals with all special needs customers in an area i.e schools, hospitals, the elderley or infirm this is for all our pre planned work . However as part of the repair and maintainence programme we have teams who basically wil appear outside your house, store, company dig the hole repair the water main leak etc and disappear they may or may not affect your property- These are the guys I wish to target to convey information, communicate or be basically civil to any customer / consumer interaction. If I may explain that the stereotypical reputation ( not my views) of these guys are sexist, foul mouthed and insensitive to individual customers needs ANY Thoughts or ideas would be appreciated thanks Gary

Author KarenSB
#2 | Posted: 17 Oct 2009 15:27 
Can you offer an incentive/rewards program based on measurable customer feedback? Perhaps have them deliver pre-stamped customer satisfaction cards...sir/madam...this work needed to be done and we know it may have inconvenienced you...if you would take the time to let us know how we did and then drop this in the mail...

If that's not feasible, can the cards be mailed directly to the people impacted in the work area? Let the Joes and Macs know the more positive feedback returned, the more...whatever incentive you can offer.

They would know that they can work towards the reward, they would have the opportunity to create positive customer contact to help further their path to reward, they would know that the more foul mouthed insensitive stuff that can be attributed to them would lessen their chance at reward.

Good luck,

Author KarenSB
#3 | Posted: 18 Oct 2009 06:43 
Oooooopppppssss! Last paragraph, replace every "know" with "learn."


Author barrymckeich
#4 | Posted: 21 Oct 2009 08:27 
Hi Gary,

I work for a research and training organisation so we have quite a bit of experience in dealing with groups of employees that the company wishes to act in a certain way (we do a lot of work with employees with car dealerships - another group of people tarnished with stereotypes!).

My first question for you would be - Have you asked your employees what stops them not just being civil but actually being positive in their communications?

There could be a whole host of reasons ranging from shyness (I know, breaking stereotypes already!), lack of time, lack of interest etc.

We always advocate that before you implement a plan with employees (that might only cause more problems) it is essential to engage with your workforce and get them involved with the process of development.

I would be happy to discuss this in more detail if you think it might be of interest to you. My approach would be to conduct some structured feedback with your workforce (can be done at reletively low cost online) leading to a training/communication programme to improve customer interaction.

I hope this has been helpful.



Author barrymckeich
#5 | Posted: 21 Oct 2009 08:29 
Hi Gary,

If you want to get in touch my email address is barry.mckeich@lorienconnect.com



Author flipperat
#6 | Posted: 3 Nov 2009 06:57 

I like the other two approaches, but I wonder if your expectations have been communicated clearly. Have you let them know that you expect them to conduct themselves in a professional and "clean' manner when with a customer and then define what "Professional & Clean" means. ie. no foul language, coarse joking, using manners, being polite, etc.

Though I am new to the Customer Service Management arena I have already found that if I clearly communicate my expectations people are more likely to live up to them. Once your expectations are cleared up then maybe you could do the incentive program to reinforce good customer service.


Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Engaging All employees

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