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Good Customer Service - Stats

Author Lucy Sleigh
#1 | Posted: 4 Jul 2007 03:32 
Hello everyone
I was running a training workshop and giving some stats that emphasised the importance of good/excellent customer service when I was asked if there were any figures concerning (on average) how many other people a person would tell if they had made a complaint and it was dealt with correctly. (as opposed to it being handled badly!)
I can't find anything anywhere.
Can anyone help?

Author eliv
#2 | Posted: 4 Jul 2007 09:27 
Hi Lucy, I used this stat in a recent presentation. I found it in the book "customer service for dummys":

We tell anywhere from 9 to 12 people when we get good service.

When we receive poor service, we tell up to 20 people.


Author matt100
#3 | Posted: 4 Jul 2007 09:50 
Art Waller, Department Head for Utah State University is quoted as saying:
A typical business only hears from 4 percent of its dissatisfied customers. The other 96 simply go away. Of this 96 percent, 68 percent never reveal their dissatisfaction because they perceive an attitude of indifference in the owner, manager or employee.

He goes on to say that if a dissatisfied customer can't express their complaints to a business, they'll express them through friends, neighbors and family. A typical dissatisfied customer will tell eight to ten people about their problem. One in five will tell 20.

Furthermore, It takes 12 positive service incidents to make up for one negative incident. Seven out of ten complaining customers will do business with you again if you resolve the complaint well. If you resolve it on the spot, 95 percent will do business with you again.

Author Lucy Sleigh
#4 | Posted: 6 Jul 2007 07:32 
That is really helpful.
Thank you very much.

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Good Customer Service - Stats

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