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Help with difficult situation

Author kbarr
#1 | Posted: 27 Sep 2009 19:49 
My organization just started a new policy of charging customer for equipment upgrades. There has been no formal notification from the directors on this policy to the customers. The employees are left with having to communicate to the customers when a situation comes up. My department just worked on a few upgrades and did not communicate to the customers there would be a charge. In fact our techs found problems with the customer equipment and were proactive about fixing the issues but didn't communicate the upgrade fees. Now we have to go back and tell them that they will need to pay for the equipment.
Any advice on the best way to approach our customers?
Thank you

Author KarenSB
#2 | Posted: 28 Sep 2009 10:16 
First, does your org's published pricing policy say something like "Pricing subject to change without notice"?

If yes, then you are covered. For those who 'fell thru the cracks,' I would go back to them, explain the situation, profusely thank those who understand and agree, and notify those who do not that this was their last free ride.

If no, I would advise that wiggle-room wording be added as quickly as possible. Then you still have to do the same: inform your customers, profusely thank those who belly up to the payment bar; put on notice those who don't.

And, regardless of yes or no, I would also take this opportunity to have a word with staff. Policy is policy, and staff must adhere. Sounds like some did not.

Good luck,

Author kbarr
#3 | Posted: 4 Nov 2009 14:27 
Update on this: we notified the members that they needed to pay for the equipment. One returned the new equipment, a second called with concerns about paying and we addressed that by allowing them to make the payment whichever way they could (monthly, bi-monthy, etc). Others didn't object. Phew.
Thanks for your response.

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Help with difficult situation

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