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How many CS Reps in your group?

Author nwpassage
#1 | Posted: 17 Sep 2008 13:18 
I'm brand new to this forum. I manage two groups - a Data Entry group of 10 and a Customer Service group of six. So I can get a feel for the challenges expressed here and add some context to your posts, how many CS Reps do each of you have?

Author KarenSB
#2 | Posted: 18 Sep 2008 11:29 
Hi nwpassage,

Great name, and it's nice to "meet" you.

But I gotta say...I really don't understand the premise that knowing the # of reps we manage adds value to the context.

Challenges are just that, and to me, experiential learnings carry far more weight than number of employees in that regard.

As an example, adroitly handling an irate customer is a challenge. Is it a harder challenge when there are 10 reps vs 100? Not really. It's simply just a bigger scale.

Over the course of my career, the number has changed with each new venture. I've been at 1, and I've been at over 100. Right now, I'm somewhere in between.


Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 How many CS Reps in your group?

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