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how to create and manage customer service standards

Author umenthem
#1 | Posted: 14 Nov 2007 06:34 
hi everyone!!
my name is ted and i'm doing a paper that discusses the key areas to consider when setting standards for customer service in an organisation.i would like to know:
1.what process can a conpany use to set up customer service standards
2.Are there key elements to show that stds are being maintained
3.Are there universal customer service standards
4.how can an organisation effectively manage customer service stds.

Author glath
#2 | Posted: 16 Nov 2007 03:27 
Hi umenthem,

1. Find out what standard of service your customers need (ie., ask them), how your competitors service those needs, then deliver your service better.

2. Set up a feedback system to monitor and measure how you are doing in your customers eyes.

3. Not sure if there is a universal customer service standards, but in the USA there is the ACSI, which is the American Customer Service Index. The index measures and compares customer service in a wide range of industries.

How did you address these topics in your paper?


Author Chaunda
#3 | Posted: 19 Nov 2007 14:08 


You have to first decide what standards would suit your organization. There is a website that you may want to try. It is www.icmi.com.


Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 how to create and manage customer service standards

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