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Internal Interviews

Author Mondie
#1 | Posted: 30 Apr 2007 04:40 
I am currently recruiting interanlly for a position within our Customer Service dept. I have had a couple of people apply who already work for me and one of them has only recently been employed from outside the business.

Therefore I don't want them to have to go through the same interview process being asked the same questions.

I am thinking of asking them to prepare a 10 - 15 minutes presentation on why they think they should have the job using the job competencies as a guide.

My problem is that I don't know how to word the interview invite letter without it lasting one line and sounding contrite!

Has anyone got any ideas or examples that would help me?

Author patilint
#2 | Posted: 30 Apr 2007 06:35 
When we recruit for customer service, we have a four part process.
We have a panel that decides - made up of the hiring manager, someone from personnel, another manager in the company and the customer service lead (me).

We ask for a 10 min presentation in which we ask the person to tell us what they think they can bring to the job and also their accomplishments in customer service.

We also have a phone exercise with the hiring manager acting as the customer. We have a written exercise that gives an example of a common situation with a customer and they must write their solution and reasoning behind it. Then we have interviews - usually 2 on 1 with personnel, hiring manager and 2 others from the hiring panel. It sounds rather lengthy and does take the better part of the morning if you have several candidates.

It allows us to see the person from more that just and interview or presentation. It lets us see how they react to phone situation, how they write and think and also interview.

Good luck..

Author patilint
#3 | Posted: 30 Apr 2007 06:46 
Whoops- that didn't answer your question..

I would just write a paragraph that invites them to present their reasons for wanting and being qualified for the position. Ask them to be a candid as possible while showing who they are.

If you are only doing a presentation then you do not not need alot of instructions. You could preface the instructions with a welcome to the process and a bit about the job you are hiring for...

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Internal Interviews

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