Hi Lazzereo,
Congrats on the new gig - here is an opportunity to make a difference in how customers and prospects view your company!
I always start customer service training sessions with a group discussion around personal stories of bad and good customer service experiences. First of all, it is a great ice breaker, and people are generally eager to share customer service horror stories. But the real reason I do this is to get everyone I am training to take off their "employee" or "service provider" hat, and put on their "human being" hat.
All of us know what good service is. We know what it takes to make customers happy. But oftentimes, something happens when we go to work, and then customer service becomes a JOB instead of a common sense activity.
As a customer service manager, you are right in the middle of things. While it is crucial to get the service philosophy buy-in, and to provide specific, detailed training for the folks that report to you, you must ALSO manage UP. You must ensure that your boss, and your boss' boss, and the CEO, all buy in to the value of customer service as the great differentiator in commerce.
You did not mention the product or service that your business sells, but I am pretty certain that your company is not the only one selling it. That said, customers have options. Why will they choose to do business with your company? Because of the customer experience your business provides.
You already know what a great customer service experice entails, because you are a customer. Don't forget that when you become a customer service manager. Don't let other businesses "out-service" you!
Good luck!!
Chuck Dennis
The Angry Customer Strategist