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Just been appointed Customer Services Manager - any tips???

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Author lazzareo
#1 | Posted: 30 May 2008 05:00 

I've just been appointed Customer Services Manager and I start on Monday. Can anyone offer any tips and advice for someone who is entering the relatively unknown?


Author nissrin
#2 | Posted: 31 May 2008 00:40 
hi Lazzareo,

congratulations for your new job. i can advise you to check the website of mind tools. it includes excellent information and articles about the customer service management.

good luck

Author cedennis
#3 | Posted: 4 Jun 2008 10:39 
Hi Lazzereo,

Congrats on the new gig - here is an opportunity to make a difference in how customers and prospects view your company!

I always start customer service training sessions with a group discussion around personal stories of bad and good customer service experiences. First of all, it is a great ice breaker, and people are generally eager to share customer service horror stories. But the real reason I do this is to get everyone I am training to take off their "employee" or "service provider" hat, and put on their "human being" hat.

All of us know what good service is. We know what it takes to make customers happy. But oftentimes, something happens when we go to work, and then customer service becomes a JOB instead of a common sense activity.

As a customer service manager, you are right in the middle of things. While it is crucial to get the service philosophy buy-in, and to provide specific, detailed training for the folks that report to you, you must ALSO manage UP. You must ensure that your boss, and your boss' boss, and the CEO, all buy in to the value of customer service as the great differentiator in commerce.

You did not mention the product or service that your business sells, but I am pretty certain that your company is not the only one selling it. That said, customers have options. Why will they choose to do business with your company? Because of the customer experience your business provides.

You already know what a great customer service experice entails, because you are a customer. Don't forget that when you become a customer service manager. Don't let other businesses "out-service" you!

Good luck!!

Chuck Dennis
The Angry Customer Strategist

Author Leonard
#4 | Posted: 4 Jun 2008 11:22 
Congratulations Lazzerrio!
Welcome to Customer Service as a Manager!
3 Tips to get you started.
1st. Begin practicing a 2 to 1 rule of Listening to Talking. Start by asking all of your staff questions regarding their satisfaction with their current position. Next ask Customers what their current satisfaction level is. Remember to listen twice as much as you talk.
2nd. Formulate an action plan to improve one area of your organization or service by 10%. A 10% increase in anything is a huge number. Identify one area that you would like to make a dent in and go to it!
3rd. Use one of several management tools to begin the process. You might use a SWOT analysis or a BAMCIS plan to start. Once you have a plan designed, begin the process of telling EVERYONE and soliciting feedback. It's a process, not an event.
What a great time for you! I am envious and excited for you! Good Luck!

Author ayaree
#5 | Posted: 11 Jun 2008 20:04 
Lazzareo, I am late in answering for the First Day. So now I want to ask if there is anything YOU want to ask about the first couple of weeks.

What has been going on? What do you think about topics that float to you from other departments, are they asking about things your team members are doing? Are your team members approaching you, and what is the nature of the approach (you can handle it? there's confusion? people are desperate? people are quiet? you're waiting for something to happen?) Are you feeling equipped to do this?

Looking forward to hearing about it. May not be anything to address, you tell us!

Author ayaree
#6 | Posted: 16 Jun 2008 18:46 
Lazzareo, have you been returning to the forum since you posted your question?

I have noticed that some "newly appointed" folks either come back and stay engaged with the topics they are concerned about - or don't return.

Albeit I don't keep up with everyone, but it is hard for me to forget sometimes.

Author mytraining
#7 | Posted: 18 Jun 2008 09:49 
hi lazzareo
Congats on your new job. You have to pay great attention to internal customers as you focus on satisfying the company clients. This enhances efficient customer service.

Author ayaree
#8 | Posted: 18 Jun 2008 19:04 
Mytraining, that is something I have been working on lately, and actually situations where I or someone in my team is considered a customer internally. (Sometimes there is slippage on the understanding of what the end result needs to be and questions about who is representing the client through our internal processes becomes lost. I have noticed cases where internal process meant a customer was presented with "homework" and I inserted my nose and instigated a change so that this homework did not exist.)

Do you have experiences like that?

Author michaelnelms
#9 | Posted: 7 May 2009 09:43 
Well, I am not sure if lazzareo came back or not but thanks everyone for the information. Today is my first day on the forum and this information is great. Will be seeing you all around.

Author ayaree
#10 | Posted: 7 May 2009 19:30 
Michaelnelms, another blast from the past for me, and I notice I am blabbering a bit in this thread, asking questions more than answering. Nice of you to voice your presence.

On your remark about the information, are you in a new position too or did you just like to see the content in this particular thread that you can use in one way or another?

Author michaelnelms
#11 | Posted: 12 May 2009 08:25 
Nice to be here Ayaree. :)

Author ayaree
#12 | Posted: 12 May 2009 19:20 
Michael, if I can call you that, I'm happy to see you say that.

Peer back in.

Author naheeda
#13 | Posted: 25 May 2009 23:15 
hi all,
i am new in your group or conversation, but i need your help. i have been appointed as a customer services manager in Kabul so i would be needing some tips and advice as well. i have noted down the points which are provided to Lazzareo.

looking forward to your replies.

Author michaelnelms
#14 | Posted: 1 Jun 2009 08:37 

welcome to the group. As mentioned above there is tons of information on the site. Browse around and ask questions.

Author balajink333
#15 | Posted: 24 Jun 2009 00:28 
Welcome to the group Lazzareo,

Congrats in the first place. I might be too late in sharing my views.

As a Customer Service Manager you should have an end to end understanding of the process, product, Customers, team, sales and management policy. This will help you a lot to immediately address issues of the customers both internal and external without any delay. As well since we are the extension of the Sales Force, getting aligned with them completely will surely help us a lot to further increase our market share and ensuring customer delight.

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 Just been appointed Customer Services Manager - any tips???

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