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management question

Author Tracith
#1 | Posted: 11 Dec 2009 11:01 
Hi there - I'm looking for some sort of an application that could push training and other relevant material to their screen during our CSR's dowwntime. Any ideas?

Author KarenSB
#2 | Posted: 14 Dec 2009 12:22 
I've lived the cliche...you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. So, how about doing this the other way around?

Instead of "[pushing] training and other relevant material to their screen" how about incenting them to want to learn, to seek it out?

Learning *is* a lifelong endeavor, and those who understand this are the people I want on my team. They are the ones who will take the bull by the horns: find it, figure it out, read, ask, etc. This is not a genetic trait...it is learned behavior.

FWIW, I think if you find an application that pushes stuff to their screens, you will end up with 80-100% of unread material. Or the material will be read, but it will not be absorbed/understood. But if you find a way to incent them to want to gain knowledge...then you'll be moving mountains.

Good luck!

Author ayaree
#3 | Posted: 15 Dec 2009 09:32 
Tracith, is there a way to get the team members to be a part of selecting blocks of time when they would go through training screens, in conjunction with volumes that are tracked in the department? Even selecting which topics are of interest to them, in conjunction with what you or another coach wants to suggest for ongoing training? It seems like I always did better at getting people to work at some kind of improvement or new topic/task to get used to when I created a chance to make a partnership out of it. That way people can get an extra trump card in being a part of the solution from the outset, or at least those most inclined to excel might feel that way.

Hi, Karen, if you're watching!

Author KarenSB
#4 | Posted: 22 Dec 2009 11:28 
Hiya Ayaree!

a-Yuppers, I am! Although scarcely these days - lots of movement here, attention gets so diverted. And I've discovered, to my family's chagrin, a little thing called Texas Hold'Em. I'm thoroughly addicted!

Hope you are well, and many wishes to you and yours for a Merry Christmas and delightful, successful New Year!


Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 management question

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