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material, slides - customer service training

Author fcatto
#1 | Posted: 1 Nov 2010 05:56Reply Quote  
Hallo everybody! does anybody know where I can find in the web some slides about customer service training?
thanks a lot

Author terrykelly
#2 | Posted: 16 Nov 2010 09:57Reply Quote  
There used to be a company called Video Arts that produced a range of video cassettes - don't know if they still exist but the material was excellent - worth a google!!
Having said that, as a Work Based Assessor who supoorts and coaches individuals to demonstrate cocsistent competency, I am in favour of any such learning / training aids being combined with workshops / on the job training / role pays, etc.
Best of luck with your search

Author VOC
#3 | Posted: 6 Dec 2010 08:32Reply Quote  
You may find this site useful (sign up for free account)
You can share presentations with like-minded people.
I've used it and it can be very useful

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 material, slides - customer service training

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