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I need help developing the CSM role within my business.

Author Phudson2004
#1 | Posted: 6 Aug 2009 17:08Reply Quote  
Hi all.

I work within a casino group and we are currently undergoing a management structure change. I am currently employed as a Training officer but I am moving more towards customer services. With this in mind, I have been given the task to write down what I feel the job would involve. Here is what I have so far.

• To be available during key trading periods such as weekends and key events.
• To co-ordinate and facilitate key events to bring out the best in house policy.
• To have a strong brand ethic towards the customers and portray this to all.
• To develop staff who may not be fully aware of the customer journey to lead by example and to make decisions for themselves.
• Obtaining feedback to our best-kept policies whether this is 'how a host tour is provided' or to 'how a drink is served' and to act upon in a positive manor.
• To aid with the recruitment process to hire the right person who fits within the Brand, not necessarily for their experience.
• To aid the General Manager in the process of marketing to drive admissions and revenue.
• To increase new member re-admissions through promotional activities.
• Adding a touch of fun and theatre where appropriate.
• To aid and facilitate the induction process for all new starters within the casino so they understand what we are about as a company.
• To ensure promotional costs are controlled through internal audits.
• To ensure deliverance to date for all marketing and that staff are fully aware of their own responsibilities towards the target markets.
• To deal with customer complaints efficiently and resolving the situation towards both parties.
• To report key changes in trading towards customer services environments and to implement any changes to positively affect the business.

Let us know what you think and anymore which I would be able to include towards the CSM role. Many thanks

Author jwalters
#2 | Posted: 6 Aug 2009 20:09Reply Quote  
Great Start! I would re-word "To aid and facilitate the induction process for all new starters within the casino so they understand what we are about as a company" to "so they understand our corporate philosophy." and "To deal with customer complaints efficiently and resolving the situation towards both parties. " to "To handle customer complaints efficiently; resolving issues that meet both the customer's need and company policy." Just suggestions! Good Luck!

Author Phudson2004
#3 | Posted: 9 Aug 2009 02:41Reply Quote  
Hey good suggestion! Many thanks :) keep them coming everyone!

Author KarenSB
#4 | Posted: 12 Aug 2009 12:14Reply Quote  

Obviously, i don't know your organization, its former structure, it's current new structure, or why the change(s) were implemented. Since you are on the inside, I'm assuming that you know these things...or at least know enough about these things to understand the reasons (financial, political, etc) behind the re-org.

For what it's worth, that is where I would begin, and that's how I would approach this task. Something is broken...what needs to be done to fix it? Again, I say this from the perspective of knowing only surface information...this may or may not be a helpful exercise.

If you are being tasked with writing up elements of a job description, then I must assume that CSM is a new role for the org. Overall, I like what you have written...sounds like my kind of a job...a hand in every piece of the pie.

However, is that a role that the organization really needs, or does it really need a CSM specifically? It is clear from what you have written that you ARE a trainer. Your training 'hat' is evident in nearly every statement. Customer Service reps and Managers rarely aid in or facilitate the induction process for all new hires (as an example).

If this is a create-a-position, then I strongly encourage you to keep on keeping on what you are doing. Kudos and good luck! Like I said, I'm loving the job descrip so far.

If this is really intended to be more specific, then I would encourage you to step back, put on ONLY a customer service hat, which could be difficult for you, and go at it again from that perspective. I would gather data, and I would present that data along with the job description.

As an example, if your customer attrition rate is 5%, what does that mean to the org's bottom line, what would you do to lower it, and what outcome would you anticipate?

Empirical and anecdotal data shows our customer attrition rate to be 5%. Exit data has revealed that our customers prefer to frequent casinos that offer multiple restaurant facilities (breakfast, lunch/dinner, buffet). With the addition of our Breakfast Nookery and Buffalo Buffet venues, the CSM role can aid in reducing customer attrition rate to 2% by:
1) Supporting the marketing effort through brief informational greetings on the phone, in person and via email and written correspondence,

Author KarenSB
#5 | Posted: 12 Aug 2009 12:17Reply Quote  
(oops...hit the wrong button)

2) whatever, whatever, whatever,
3) and et cetera.

I hope this helps, and wish you all the best!

Author Phudson2004
#6 | Posted: 13 Aug 2009 15:59Reply Quote  

Many thanks for your suggestions! the role itself is specifically designed for myself and how I fit within the structure of the casino. Because of my customer service back ground ( casinos, restaurants, bars etc) I felt I would be able to facilitate the objectives towards the casinos own goals. The title 'Customer Services Manager' within the structure of the casino isn't purely based on ensuring the customers needs but also internal actions such as Marketing, recruitment, feedback, audits etc.

I believe in turn these will aid in the customer journey and provide high levels of customer satisfaction within my business. Im just slightly worried (due to my past experience) that I am just making up these objectives simply to show my line manager that I am capable of this role. Saying that it does suit me and it is a perfect opportunity within my company to enhance myself. In any case your feedback is much appreciated


Author KarenSB
#7 | Posted: 14 Aug 2009 06:56Reply Quote  

To say that I am a bit envious might be my annual best understatement! I love create-a ____ opportunities.

I'm a bit puzzled over your concern, but I also get it. Managers ARE that proverbial box of chocolates, and just when you think you understand how they will act/react to any given situation, they'll change. (Except, naturally, for yours truly, who is as steady and stable as a 1,000 foot ship. Ha! Do not take that to the bank.)

Have you considered going to the heads of other functions and asking them for feedback? You could sketch out the vision and ask how it might best meld with their vision, or you could ask what they need from you (your department/functional role/whatever) that they currently don't get, and then position those needs into your vision and make your presentation from that.

I'm very fond of data (smile), and believe that substantiating data with a not-too-whacky vision is a game winner.

Best wishes....would love to hear your outcome!

Author Phudson2004
#8 | Posted: 15 Aug 2009 06:28Reply Quote  

Good idea... We hold a Head of Department meeting every friday at 4pm (when everyone tends to come in) where we discuss any information that needs to be passed onto each other, but more importantly customer relations which affect our strategy. We talk about good / bad experiences on customer service and any BIG ideas anyone has though up of which would improve admissions, profit or general customer focus. Maybe this would be the time to also ask them what they would like of me and how I could help within the business.

Im not exactly a fan of data, but one thing we do have are people who can help me in areas that I struggle. So maybe it isnt such a bad thing lol. Ill keep you informed on whats going on. If this takes off as well as Im hoping they will use it as a basis within our company!

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 I need help developing the CSM role within my business.

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