Ive been a call center floor manager since 2 years. I tackle inbound call support, live chat support, live order taking and various back-office operation under me. I manage to do all this because I have been successful handling human resource really well. Call Centers are all about manpower. With the attrition rates being high you need to reduce the adaptablity duration for a new exec. to minimum. Make sure all your correspondence with teh clients is perfect. Keep more agents at lower shift times. That will reduce fatigue and result in better output. Instill trust in your owners to reduce their involvement.
I have ben handling all inbound processes, live chat support, live phone order taking and BPO operations, also helpdesk and outsourcing operations really well. hope this helps.
Call Center Services
http://callcenter.ramshyam.comUS Toll Free: 1-877-286-3682