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Outsourcing Customer Care In Europe

Author johnkemp
#1 | Posted: 1 Feb 2006 08:38 
I have been asked by a client for examples of successful outsourcing of customer care in Europe.

From my own personal experience - I've not seen a lot of success - but I may be being unecessary cynical!

Can anybody provide positive examples of outsourcing - particularly across country borders in Europe? If you have some bad stories I'd been interested too!

Best wishes

John Kemp

Author Ian
#2 | Posted: 3 Feb 2006 06:08 
Bulgarian Dreams?

It has just been announced that Hewlett-Packard have chosen Bulgaria among 14 European countries for the location of a new global services support centre. It will start operations in June this year and will eventually employ over 1,000 Bulgarian professionals, serving customers in Europe, the Near East and Africa.

And they won't be alone; located around Sofia are hundreds of small companies doing projects for companies such as Boeing, BMW, General Motors, and Siemens.

Reports from Bulgaria say that interest among other foreign companies is growing fast and between 10 and 20 European companies negotiate every month about relocation of their support activities to Bulgaria.

There is much talk of «nearshoring» as opposed to «offshoring» in Europe right now, with companies outsourcing work to countries that cost less but are only a short distance away. But as in the US, the growing use of non-domestic workers could provoke a backlash so many companies are keeping their outsourcing plans quiet!

I too would like to hear from CSM members on any experience they have on this growing trend.

Ian Miller, Editor

Author dezo110r
#3 | Posted: 8 Feb 2006 03:23 

I'm from Hungary. Here we have some international Helpdesks, support centres. E.g. SEI, Microsoft, IBM-GS, Transcom, Getronics, Exxon-mobile, GE (just by hart). All of them work internationally. If you need more info, or question, contact me.

Author clarksmith
#4 | Posted: 7 Nov 2022 09:52 
To obtain leads into your CRM, many businesses, things, tools, and strategies are employed in the digital era. There is one strategy that, among all the various ways businesses pursue this objective, has never changed and, most likely, never will. Only professional call center outsourcing companies deal with this strategy.

Author VickyM31
#5 | Posted: 24 Oct 2023 12:51 
Absolutely, finding successful examples of outsourcing in customer care can be challenging, but it's not all gloom! Check out this insightful guide on IT outsourcing in Europe (https://www.cleveroad.com/blog/it-outsourcing-europe/) for a broader perspective. It might shed light on positive experiences and strategies to navigate cross-border outsourcing effectively. Best of luck!

Author FDfrthgb
#6 | Posted: 11 Dec 2024 09:53 
Outsourcing customer care in Europe has become a popular choice for many businesses looking to balance cost-efficiency with high-quality service. Eastern European countries, in particular, offer a robust pool of skilled professionals who are proficient in various languages and familiar with international customer care standards. The region's strong IT infrastructure and relatively lower operational costs make it an attractive destination for outsourcing.

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Outsourcing Customer Care In Europe

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