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Six Sigma Projects

Author trya03
#1 | Posted: 13 May 2008 08:09Reply Quote  
I am tasked with doing a six sigma project for my call center. The problem I am having is that everything relating to call metrics i.e. ASA, AHT, SLA have already been made into a project. If anyone could me any suggestions on a new project as it relates to call centers and customer service. Thanks

Author kevinovus
#2 | Posted: 15 May 2008 09:23Reply Quote  
How about language services? How are you currently handling non-English or limited English speaking customers, clients and prospects? How do you provide communication with them? Let me know and I can help.

Author trya03
#3 | Posted: 21 May 2008 08:01Reply Quote  
Thanks kevinovus for responding. Our call center uses a language line, which is outsourced to another vendor. Once we receive a call from a non-English speaking or limited English speaking customer we try to identify the language and then perform a conference call.

Author kevinovus
#4 | Posted: 21 May 2008 11:08Reply Quote  
Great! I'm familiar with them. If you'd like I can offer you a lower cost more customer service oriented product than your current vendor. Just let me know if interested and let me know where to send info via email to. Speaking with Limited English Proficient customers is a challenge but they deserve the same level of service as anyone else. By providing utilizing a professional language services company to facilitate the call you create an atmosphere in which the customer feels like you really desire their business and will turn in to a long term account.

Author ayaree
#5 | Posted: 21 May 2008 20:33Reply Quote  
Trya, can you help me to understand something more clearly? Are you looking for help in ways to improve upon a given situation using methodologies OR are you looking for ways to utlilize "Black Belt" project management so that it maintains some leg room in your organization?

Sorry if this sounds like naysaying, but if you are (literally) asking for places to apply theories that will improve practices, it does not automatically sound like you are looking for solutions to existing problems for customers.

When you are looking for suggestions on where to apply Six Sigma (in the midst of solutions that already exist for particulars areas you have listed), are there reasons for looking for a place to apply it? Is it possible to take this back to square one?

Author trya03
#6 | Posted: 5 Jun 2008 07:11Reply Quote  

Great Kevinovus. If you can send the information to Trya03@yahoo.com I would greatly appreciate it.

Author trya03
#7 | Posted: 5 Jun 2008 07:15Reply Quote  

Ayaree, you are correct. I am looking for help in ways to improve metrics, client satisfaction or employee satisfaction within a call center environment. As mentioned before we have several six sigma projects surrounding lower call duration and handle time.

Author ayaree
#8 | Posted: 16 Jun 2008 18:55Reply Quote  
Trya, I was inquisitive about the need for an application/use for further Six Sigma, based on the fact that there seemed to be a lot of structures in place. I didn't really see a description of what was necessarily "broken." But I gather that there are areas that have been honed in upon to your liking, and I will leave it at that. Thanks for being patient with my questions.

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Six Sigma Projects

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