Lominger has an excellent book: FYI: For Your Improvement. It lists competencies which will help anyone in leadership develop their soft skills.
Usually, in my experience, the soft skills are the greatest barrier managers must deal with. It truly is about; communication, setting direction, and dealing with ambiguity. If any of those three areas are out of whack...it will be a struggle.
With the right level of communication (up, down, and sideways), managers can ensure that the people they serve feel included, informed, and important.
Setting direction is vital, as tough decisions must be made and followed through on. A typical issue is giving direction but never checking in and affirming/coaching towards the result.
Dealing with ambiguity is equally important. Management (especially in a retail environment) is all about rolling with the punches (from customers, the company, and the co-workers). It's easy to get tripped up, frustrated, and/or become nothing more then a filter for those above you. If you don't expect last minute surprises you will burn out, quickly.
My favorite phrase is this, 'If you're going to become a trash collector, don't gripe when the trash stinks'. I think this is all about mindset. As a CSM, you have to expect a lot of garbage some days. |