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Customer Service Manager Forum

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New Customer Service Manager New Customer Service Manager 5.5K  7
Author Nicole_m1  25 Feb 2006 13:48 Latest reply Monica22  1 Aug 2006 08:53  »»
help, My customer  has threatened  not to do buisness with me..... help, My customer has threatened not to do buisness with me..... 6.6K  11
Author thresa75  25 Feb 2006 03:33 Latest reply Distancecollegue  21 Jun 2007 18:05  »»
Restaurants Chain Restaurants Chain 4K  0
Author omarfarook  22 Feb 2006 23:48 —    
Author NYCsBESTsecret  21 Feb 2006 19:52 Latest reply Kimia  2 Mar 2006 06:54  »»
customer's expectations in 2010 customer's expectations in 2010 3.1K  2
Author sandeepkumar  21 Feb 2006 00:58 Latest reply olugbosolanrerazaak  28 Feb 2006 08:18  »»
S.C.O.R.E. Process S.C.O.R.E. Process 3.4K  1
Author combined  16 Feb 2006 07:17 Latest reply Ian  17 Feb 2006 02:12  »»
what to do to get into customer service without related experiences? what to do to get into customer service without related experiences? 4.2K  3
Author Adeline  13 Feb 2006 00:11 Latest reply cedennis  1 Aug 2006 09:10  »»
Greetngs from SW Florida Greetngs from SW Florida 3.3K  0
Author jbsinternational  10 Feb 2006 04:40 —    
Retail sales - supporting an employee Retail sales - supporting an employee 3.1K  1
Author bbcustomersue  9 Feb 2006 08:07 Latest reply RadiosophyCS  22 Feb 2006 09:23  »»
Greetings Greetings 23K  2
Author bbcustomersue  9 Feb 2006 07:17 Latest reply Adeline  13 Feb 2006 00:07  »»
customer swervice back office customer swervice back office 2.5K  0
Author mukubesa  9 Feb 2006 05:42 —    
Do we really Care for Customers? Do we really Care for Customers? 3.1K  1
Author mks_krish  7 Feb 2006 09:30 Latest reply dezo110r  8 Feb 2006 03:59  »»
Whats the best solution for this case ? Whats the best solution for this case ? 3.6K  2
Author BlueReef  6 Feb 2006 17:02 Latest reply Ian  9 Feb 2006 12:36  »»
Outsourcing Customer Care In Europe Outsourcing Customer Care In Europe 5.3K  5
Author johnkemp  1 Feb 2006 08:38 Latest reply FDfrthgb  11 Dec 2024 09:53  »»
Customer Service Positive Slogans Needed Customer Service Positive Slogans Needed 2.6K  0
Author riverbank  29 Jan 2006 03:46 —    
Need help how would I answer this question for a job appication? Need help how would I answer this question for a job appication? 3.1K  1
Author Jarrod06  28 Jan 2006 20:21 Latest reply billesch  31 Jan 2006 08:19  »»
Quality Assurance Analysts ratio Quality Assurance Analysts ratio 2.6K  0
Author ybermudez  19 Jan 2006 06:27 —    
Skills Profile of a CSM Skills Profile of a CSM 4.9K  5
Author au_alicia  16 Jan 2006 01:30 Latest reply carlredman  24 May 2006 21:13  »»
Competitor Customers Competitor Customers 3.9K  0
Author sadams  12 Jan 2006 16:26 —    
Customer Satisfaction Vs. Service Revenue Customer Satisfaction Vs. Service Revenue 2.9K  0
Author mks_krish  9 Jan 2006 08:50 —    

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