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investor services group...service level standards

Author jcbanks
#1 | Posted: 7 Sep 2007 11:33Reply Quote  
anyone use average speed of answer to determine service level. looking to create some tables but looking for benchmards on what to consider as a service level indicator.
currently identifying calls answered within 15 seconds to be within service level. anyone in mutual funds or investor services using other times?

Author glath
#2 | Posted: 4 Oct 2007 03:13Reply Quote  
How about you look at your abandon rate and then set your average speed of answer accordingly. I recently measured the ASA across our stores and found that we had a 49% abandon rate! (probably due to multi-tasking) I set the target of 80% of calls to be answered within 30 seconds and our abandon rate is now reducing. Not perfect but at least we are going in the right direction.

Obviously retail is different to financial services, but maybe this helps.


Author julianm
#3 | Posted: 4 Oct 2007 04:01Reply Quote  
I work in Financial Services and the stats I've got for ASA is 16 seconds. (75% answered under 21 seconds). Average time before callers abandon is 53 seconds.


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 investor services group...service level standards

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