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Ideas needed Please - I have hit a blank

Author peppermint
#1 | Posted: 16 Dec 2007 04:27Reply Quote  
I enjoy browsing this site and now it is time for me to ask for help. I need to design a A5 flyer for the company I work for. A Car dealer - ( Depts - New, Used, Fleet Maintenance, Parts, Service etc.) On one side of the flyer will have the service information regarding work that has been carried out etc. I would like to have some ideas as to what we can put on the other side regarding the above depts. I thought of a mini questionnaire on how to improve our service. Maybe someone out there can give me ideas or what questions to put on the questionnaire. All suggestions will be appreciated.


Author glath
#2 | Posted: 17 Dec 2007 00:26Reply Quote  
Hi Ayeesh,

Sounds like a great initiative. I would put just two questions on your flyer:

Based on the service you have received from us, would you recommend us to your friends and family? Yes/No.

Please tell us why..

In my opinion this is the simplest and most accurate way to find out how you are doing in terms of "delighting" your customers. If you ask them how "satisfied" they are, I can predict they will, on average give you an "8" out of "10" which will tell you nothing.

The "tell us why" will provide you with some information that you can actually act on to increase the number of "yes" answers next time around. (There should be a next time around).

One final thought, you MUST give an incentive to answer your question, something of perceived high value. Either a gift or entry into a competition to win something really nice. Forget more discounts - customers expect those anyway.

Hope this helps, your feedback would be appreciated before/after the event!


Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Ideas needed Please - I have hit a blank

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