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Hi, patilint, ayaree

Author Tech
#1 | Posted: 12 Feb 2008 06:35Reply Quote  
I see we are still here!

I think I left many moons ago saying I have a habbit of disappering for a while without a trace......

but I'm back online,

Hope to get back into completing my book about everything, oh yeah and a little fun thrown in too!!!

Author ayaree
#2 | Posted: 12 Feb 2008 17:31Reply Quote  
Howdy, Tech, I think you are the guy who was prompting conversation on what exactly customer satisfaction is (not to be confused with threads by that name)....Something about ridiculous timelines or circumstances and one technical rep who was in the position of having to take full blame for something and then call the client and own up to it? (And I greatly disagreed with that approach as a kind of "hazing" inititation or abusive anti-team tactic.) Am I synching in correctly?

Pati has relocated geographically and changed her working mode a bit, but does pop in, thank goodness.

I was about to respond to something else and then found this eyecatching subject line :)

I've had a year of discoveries and doubts and also some great successes (in 2007). And now 2008 is in swing and I don't know if I have done much with the learnings.

What's going on with you?

Author Tech
#3 | Posted: 13 Feb 2008 04:38Reply Quote  
heay ya!

Im the one that considers this forum a bible for absolutly everyone that has to comunicate with customers - isn't that customer realations/service, including internal customers. it doesn't matter if ya sitting on a phone trying to sort out a "user problem" or your straight out of school working for the first time in a fast food resturant.

if the answers are not here anyone can ask and ppl like yourself are always willing to put your two bobs in...... thats great!

yeah i still think way outside of the box, but thats me! and it works quite well and still believe thats why im at where im at!

talk about discoveries and doubts...... plenty of them on the south side of the river too.

anyhow i have plenty to add so this i'll send them to the main forum!!!

always remember, your'll never know if you have done much with ya learnings unless the oportunity comes buy. and if you are ever in doubt there is only one person that can justify.

take care!!!!

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Hi, patilint, ayaree

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