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Customer Service Manual

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Author Magic
#16 | Posted: 18 Mar 2008 23:13Reply Quote  
Emmalou323 -Is it possible for you to send me the manual you have?

Author Sukanta_40
#17 | Posted: 1 Apr 2008 04:31Reply Quote  
Hi all, am new but have not stopped reading all the useful information here. I also work in marketing and manage both the marketing and customer components of the organisation and have also been tasked to prepare a customer service manual. Is it possible for you to send me the manual on sukanta_bag@rediffmail.com

Author skbalakrishnan
#18 | Posted: 3 Apr 2008 00:28Reply Quote  
Hi All,

I have recently joined CSM group. Above topic excited me and morevoer, it has been a great help as i was thinking about a customer service manual for long. However, it has been noticed that many people have mentioned Quality Policy to be included in the Customer Service Manual. Could you please let me know the relevance of the same.

Apart from above, I feel we may also identify how the management would measure / monitor the compliance towards the customer service manual parametres. This would bring the compliance audit more effective and improvement thereafter. Thanks & Regards, Santhosh

Author RahulIsaac
#19 | Posted: 5 Apr 2008 11:46Reply Quote  
Hi All this Rahul and i am New CSM, i really want to improve the customer service in my store, i would like to have the that customer service manual kindly help me out

Author balvinderkalra
#20 | Posted: 10 Apr 2008 01:46Reply Quote  
Rahul manual depends upon , profile you will be handling ( retail / Call center ) .

Please elaborate there are lot manuals

Author balvinderkalra
#21 | Posted: 10 Apr 2008 01:47Reply Quote  
retail for which product ) .

Author harshgrewal
#22 | Posted: 6 Jul 2012 09:18Reply Quote  
Hi All,

I am new to this. I really need help on this. I have been asked to Create a Customer Service Standards manual for all touch points of an airline, starting from the call centres to airports and even the In-flight in which parameters have to classified in to People, Product and process. Can someone please help me. Has someone worked on this model before.

I need to have this manual ready in 3 days so prompt responses would really be appreciated.

Author lschlyer
#23 | Posted: 9 Jul 2012 09:12Reply Quote  
Have you tried using a web-based, ongoing customer service training tool? This is better than a manual. They are subscription, per-seat based, and provide basic to advanced customer service training and phone etiquette skills. Additionally, you have the ability to integrate the system with your own phone lines so your CSRs can listen to and learn from actual customer interactions through the cloud interface. You can learn more at www.callversity.com.

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 Customer Service Manual

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