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Tracking Customer Emails

Author CSChallenged
#1 | Posted: 15 Dec 2008 16:06Reply Quote  
I'm wondering if anyone has a suggestion for software that can be used for incoming customer service emails that has some sort of organization to it. In other words, let's say I get an email from Susie Que. It would be nice (without doing a search) to see some kind of sidebar of all our communications with Susie. Does such an animal exist for under $1000?

Author KarenSB
#2 | Posted: 16 Dec 2008 10:06Reply Quote  
ARG!!! Now you've gone & done it! You planted John Fogerty in my head for the rest of the day.

Oh Suzie Q
Baby I love you
Suzie Q

I'm not aware of anything (over/under 1K) that does this. Hoping someone will have a solution...cuz (trying the switch to Beach Boys)...Wouldn't It Be Nice?

Author glath
#3 | Posted: 19 Dec 2008 12:08Reply Quote  
Challenged: How are you doing with your search? The more I think about this the more I like the idea...Intelligent email right? Any one got any ideas?

Karen: Hope you're having Fun, Fun, Fun!


Author mindy
#4 | Posted: 4 Jan 2009 18:18Reply Quote  
we use a system called Kana - it enable us to customize list and can sort e-mails by subject line

Author KarenSB
#5 | Posted: 5 Jan 2009 05:10Reply Quote  

Thank you! I like what I see on their site. (Especially like how they built their site).

Don't know that this would fall into the $$ range...looks spendy...but also looks pretty cool.


Author justinwcooke
#6 | Posted: 14 Mar 2009 13:44Reply Quote  
Kana offers a great product, but is expensive and is meant for heavy volume. (100+ agents, 1,000 or more communications/day) Most robust CRM's offer additions that would probably meet your needs (SalesForce, SAP's CRM, Microsoft's CRM, etc.)

For a smaller, less expensive option try Emailtopia, Talisma, InstantService, etc.

Hope that helps!

Just a little self promotion...check out my new blog on Customer Service Management at www.directingcustomerservice.com

Author opentosuggestions
#7 | Posted: 1 Apr 2009 22:09Reply Quote  
Outlook may be of assistance if you use it to it's full extent, but not quite as automatic as it seems you would like it to be.
If you enter your contact into Outlook, and add the email address, selecting the "Activities" tab for the contact will bring up all emails with that address in the to/from boxes. To include tasks/notes/Journal entries/appointments relating to that customer, the easiest way to link all these things to your contact, is to select each action from the "Actions" tab on the contact. This way they will all be linked to the contact, and can be called up.
Hope this helps.

Author coopr
#8 | Posted: 27 Jan 2011 15:49Reply Quote  
Did you ever find/select a solution?

Author debbic
#9 | Posted: 3 Jun 2011 19:09Reply Quote  
Our Company is using Salesforce and there is a tool within Outlook that allows us to create a case in salesforce and export the email from Outlook with only a few clicks.

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 Tracking Customer Emails

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