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definition of customer service in the 21 st century

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Author clavero
#1 | Posted: 7 Mar 2010 22:24Reply Quote  
i would like to find out what is customer services and some good examples of customer service practices in the 21st century

#2 | Posted: 13 Mar 2010 07:40Reply Quote  
Good morning,
To me,
Customer Service can be describe as provision of services to customers before, during and after the purchase are made in our store or company.

Customer Service is about treating others as you would like to be treated yourself during the business transaction.

It is also how we are able to go extra miles to meet our customer needs and make them feel appreciated in doing business with us.

Author GL_NorthEast
#3 | Posted: 18 Mar 2010 03:18Reply Quote  
I'd agree with all that, but maybe sharpen up the second point. Even better than treating people how I would like to be treated is trying to work out how they would like to be treated. We're all different and what works for me may not work for others. The hard work has to go into understanding the customer and their personal needs at that particular time and those particular circumstances.

But I know the point was well intended and it does set a minimum standard.

Author jgdjgd
#4 | Posted: 22 Mar 2010 04:18Reply Quote  
customer service is exceeding the expectations of the customers from your product,service and quality

Author debraclau
#5 | Posted: 31 Mar 2010 04:57Reply Quote  
Up to me, customer service is exceeding the expectation of your customer. To exceed the expectations you should understand the possible expectations that your customer have.

Yes, I can help you explaining this in another way. For ex: A good sales Guy could sell anything to anyone. But a good customer support could make the same person to buy the same thing!..

Author kirklott
#6 | Posted: 9 Apr 2010 17:52Reply Quote  
Have you seen the Jeff Bezos quote?

Author kirklott
#7 | Posted: 19 Apr 2010 13:01Reply Quote  
I produce customer service videos, and whenever I do research, the one thing I always hear is that the basics of good customer service are timeless.

That said, what I think makes customer service different in the 21st Century is the internet, and social networking. I think the quote below sums this up well.

"If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends."
-Jeff Bezos, Founder Amazon.com

At this link you'll find other customer service inspirations and quotes.

Author Gary Coughlan
#8 | Posted: 21 Apr 2010 03:08Reply Quote  
At Sixt we have undertaken a new approach to Customer Service, we have recognised the importance and impact of Social Media. We monitor the internet for any mentions of Sixt and we join the conversations in forums and on customers blogs. An example can be found on the following link.

http://apetcher.wordpress.com/2010/03/01/thumbs-down-for-sixt-ren t-a-car/

I would appreciate it if you could also consider sharing your own experiences and offer any advice on our blog http://www.sixtblog.co.uk/customer-service/

Author daryamconsult
#9 | Posted: 4 May 2010 03:20Reply Quote  
1. Be Genuine
2. Provide information in a logical manner
3. Deliver what you promise


Author rsanchez
#10 | Posted: 16 Sep 2010 12:58Reply Quote  
To create sustainable customer service initiatives, we define it as:

1. Ensuring that customer needs are met by products and services
2. Providing information, assistance or action to ensure value is delivered
3. Contributing to the success of the company (including financially)

We've found the third one to be a big part of the equation -- it ensures that programs remain because they rooted in both customer and company needs. Measuring their impact on customer satisfaction and things like NPS also helps -- using objective customer feedback tools also helps.

Author DownBob
#11 | Posted: 26 Oct 2010 03:08Reply Quote  
@Gary Coughlan - isn't that one step away from appointing "50-cent"-ers... lolz

Author terrykelly
#12 | Posted: 16 Nov 2010 10:15Reply Quote  
In addtion to the excellent points made in the previous messages, customer service is also about building and maintaining credibility and confidence in the service. If this exists in the perception of the existing and potential customers, price / costs often take second place.

Author slampkina
#13 | Posted: 14 Dec 2010 18:43Reply Quote  
I think customer service is all about the what kind of experience do we leave with the customer when interacting with them-good/bad/indifferent.

I keep in my mind "how would I like to be treated if it were me on the the other end'

Author cariosmacp
#14 | Posted: 13 Jan 2011 15:25Reply Quote  
i think customer service is being mindful of others, knowing individuals are different and treat individuals accordingly. In other words, i is assessing each individual u come in contact with and making them satisfied at the end of the service experience.

Author rohitsachan
#15 | Posted: 19 Jan 2011 20:13Reply Quote  
Customer Service in business perspective means exeeding Customers expectations . It can only come by delivering more than what you have promised . It can come only by building a 'frontline' who is aligned with the culture of delivering more than what has been promised . Technology should be used only for designing a systematic approach for getting feedback . It should not replace the personal attention and respect that the customer deserves .

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 definition of customer service in the 21 st century

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