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Customer Service Experiential activity in the workshop or training

Author cher34
#1 | Posted: 23 Oct 2012 03:47Reply Quote  
Dear All

I am planning to organise one customer service training/workshop to my staffs (about 10 to 15 persons) and wonder whether there is any short and effective experiential activity that can use during the training in order for the trainee to understand the important of deliver excellent customer service. We see a lot experiential activities used during training for related topics such as team work or leadership, but seldom about customer service.

I believe by doing something together, let them see it and feel it and believe it in the training will help them to really understand the messages that we want to deliver rather than sharing those theories or reports on the powerpoint slides.

Looking forward you to give some ideas or sharing on those activities.


Author mcgntr
#2 | Posted: 25 Oct 2012 11:16Reply Quote  
OPEN UP One way to help them zone in on customers is to start by asking them to describe positive and negative services experiences and expectations- as customers. Now they have opened themselves up to empathy with other customers
LOSING CUSTOMERS Find or create customer scenarios that have negative consquences for customers and / or probability of losing customers. ( You may want to use your own products/services.) Discuss how and why customers leave. Leads you to consequences of poor service.

I find the key for employees to understand service is for them to first understand themselves as customers. The digital world has leveled the customer experiences.

Author cher34
#3 | Posted: 6 Nov 2012 00:10Reply Quote  
Dear Mcgntr, thanks a lot for your suggestions.

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Customer Service Experiential activity in the workshop or training

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