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New Member - Australia

Author akte
#1 | Posted: 16 Mar 2013 04:41Reply Quote  
Hi everyone,

I'm a CS Manager in Medical Devices, here to try and learn from the experiences of others.

Looking forward to getting involved with the discussions.

A bit more about my current situation: I am a CS Supervisor of a team of 10 in the medical devices field. I have just taken a position as CS Manager in another company with a team of 4. I've done some asking around my contacts in the industry and the information I've found out about my new team is not great. Their reputation is pretty poor - both from outside the company and within. My experience so far has been with an industry leading CS team, so I will definitely be pushing out of my comfort zone to try and bring the standards and reputation of my new team up. I plan to implement satisfaction surveys with internal customers to start out with, so I can measure improvements over the first six months.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for things I can do in my first few weeks of the job to try and win the team over so they will want to work with me rather than against me to improve the service levels.

I'm really excited about the challenge, but I know there is going to be a lot of work ahead!


Who's Who Customer Service Manager Forum / Who's Who /
 New Member - Australia

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