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How To Improve Customer Services

Author BingoCRM
#1 | Posted: 26 Jul 2013 05:57Reply Quote  
Sharing feedback , seeking advices , registering complains and requesting new services are the most common actions which are performed by the customers nowadays. But the quality of each interaction and the turnaround time must be matched to their expecta-tions.
It is always assumed by the consumers that the companies having the largest customer base give the best services and products . But I keep myself at an arm's length from all these brands. Unless they are dedicated to focusing on the CEO because Customer experience optimization is the important key to gaining momentum in your relationships.

Author ande333
#2 | Posted: 3 Aug 2013 18:36Reply Quote  
Your advice is sound.. but we have been doing something which is just blowing the minds of people.. and there is no better way to improve on CS. When they are left in wonder.. all feedback is good.. they spread the word, and most times they get a take away to try themselves. I'm talking about spiritual customer service!

Author estreamdesk
#3 | Posted: 16 Dec 2013 04:48Reply Quote  
Spiritual customer service sounds awesome :)

We trust in keeping your word and prividing the customer with more than expected. I think it is the best foundation of the perfect customer service :)

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 How To Improve Customer Services

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