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Customer Service Question

Author Lisalou
#1 | Posted: 12 Mar 2018 10:52 
I'm interviewing for customer service reps and I'd like to know what's the most important questions I should be asking?

Author Mike123
#2 | Posted: 10 Apr 2018 06:55 

Ask the candidates to give an example of a time when they solved a customer's problem by giving excellent customer service.

Good luck :-)


Author Ayla
#3 | Posted: 20 Apr 2018 08:09 
HI Lisalou,

The #1 thing you want to ask is questions that give you insight into their engagement (i.e. their willingness to show up and go the extra mile) and into their ability to be customer focused. I'd recommend looking into Behavioral Interview questions for customer service reps to get some ideas.

In the hopes its helpful, if you are looking for a general guide on Customer Service (challenges, how to be successful, etc.), check out [url=https://www.merlinguides.com/blog/customer-success-director-best- practices/][/url]

Author Avinashappy
#4 | Posted: 30 May 2018 04:52 
I'm interviewing for customer service reps and I'd like to know what's the most important questions I should be asking?

In this post, we have discussed a major pain point in customer support — to build a great team. We have discussed how to hire for customer support. Also, you can download the free excel score sheet for measuring the candidate.

Author Hull
#5 | Posted: 30 Aug 2018 03:59 
Would a good way to build a good team..

Be hiring to fill each of the 12 archetypes?

I find that is really efficient to run the floor that way.

As you can just rely on synergy!

Author Danwan337
#6 | Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:15 
You can ask the candidate:-

1. What is AHT (Average Handling Time), and what was the lowest AHT achieved by him/her?

2. If a customer landed in the wrong department, do you transfer the call to the right department, or first provide basic help and then transfer to relevant department?

3. What would the candidate do if an irate customer calls to cancel the contract, and move to another provider?

Author Danwan337
#7 | Posted: 1 Oct 2020 08:25 
Hi Lisalou,

To build a good team you should identify people who meet your job requirements, and sync very well with your organizational objectives. But if you find candidates who have positive attitude towards doing things and are great learner then those are your best players.

Author garyhines
#8 | Posted: 20 Apr 2023 12:17 
You can consider the below questions:

1. do you measure customer satisfaction?
2. What steps do you take to ensure that customers are satisfied?
3. What is your process for resolving customer issues?
4. How do you handle difficult customers?
5. How do you handle customer data and privacy?

Thank you.

Customer Service Forum Customer Service Manager Forum / Customer Service Forum /
 Customer Service Question

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