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Front Line staff Greetings

Author jami
#1 | Posted: 14 May 2007 04:48Reply Quote  
Hi there, Im looking for a Service Quailty dept for a reputed bank. To delight the customers, we have some standard greetings that need to be done as soon customers enter the branch. Same greetings are there when customers call for inquires.
Problem is that our new staff most of the time do not greet customers as they enter the branch. same case is on phone. So guyz any suggession?

Author patilint
#2 | Posted: 14 May 2007 05:38Reply Quote  
I am sure you will get lots of help here in the forum.

Do you have any established metrics that are tied to performance objectives for the staff? And, even more important, do you have a way of measuing the objectives?

Are the greeting formatted to be natural and not canned? I think the greetings are great and need to be there but they should be natural and genuine.

Does the new staff get trained on the importance of the greeting and what it means to the company? How does the staff that has been there for a while handle the greeting?

Just asking questions to get a background on the situation..

Author jami
#3 | Posted: 14 May 2007 10:10Reply Quote  
First of all thank you very much for ur time annd efforts and concern that u have showed in u r reply.

well greeting the customer is one of the prime objective mentioned in their JODs. and yes, we have mysteryshopper who carries out surprise visits to our branches monthly and compiles a report of diff branches who performed well in cusotmer greetings. we are conducting training and we did in past, but they are not tht effective,,,,, so any pointer or a advice from ur side.

Author patilint
#4 | Posted: 15 May 2007 07:16Reply Quote  
Is this in some way tied to a performance review? a merit increase? That might help...

I am sure others will respond to help...

Author Brian225
#5 | Posted: 17 May 2007 19:12Reply Quote  
Where I work at now part of the training is hammered that you have to greet period end of story. When you train them you first thing you should mention is this fact. Also try to have morning meanings empahizing it and point it out everytime they do not do it.

I remember my first job in retail. The manager gave us the best advice I had ever heard IMO about customer service.

Treat your customer how you would treat your paycheck becuase everytime you don't greet them it puts yours and mine paycheck in jeopardy becuase they pays our salaries.

Author pat9127
#6 | Posted: 21 May 2007 18:19Reply Quote  
Hi Jamie,
Question, are you the branch manager or trainer? If so, you have a little more opportunity to enforce the standards. When you see someone neglect to greet a customer, either call the person over (without making a big deal about it) or go to them and ask them why they didn't greet the customer? Did they forget or did they just not feel like it today? If you do this a couple of times, the word will spread like wildfire at breaks and lunch and by phone and email. Although they may think you are being bossy at first, you are, it's your job. It is a whole lot easier to train employees to do things right than it is to find new customers because they get treated better at another location.

If your team won't cooperate, even after training, it is probably time to review the mission statement and core values with them (hopefully your company has them and they are posted where staff can see them) and then if they still won't cooperate, replace them. One bad employee attitude can destroy the culture of the whole if they are left to fester, don't corrupt the whole because of one employee...

Good luck and if you need any other ideas you may want to go to the website www.joyoftraining.com and get the ebook, lots of ideas that may help you in this situation and others.

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 Front Line staff Greetings

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