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CSM in search of mentor

Author chuckswigg
#1 | Posted: 9 Jul 2009 10:52 

I am relatively new to management and have received a new boss with different ideas than my previous boss. I am looking for a mentor who I can bounce ideas off and help me become a better manager and better employee. I manage a small technical support team with a few US based and a few outsourced in India for off hours support. I am interested in finding someone that has been through my experiences and can help me make progress.

I appreciate your time and I hope to hear back from someone.


Author gporter
#2 | Posted: 16 Jul 2009 05:50 
I guess the question is do the new ideas make sense or just the capacity to burn cycles in ineffectual ways? I too manage a Technical Team. How long have you been in the position? Did you move up thru the ranks or take over a existing team you didn't know well?

Is your Team helpdesk? Tied to ACD queue? One level of routing or multiple?

Author chuckswigg
#3 | Posted: 16 Jul 2009 10:56 
Great questions! Thank you for the post!!

The concepts of my new boss are good ideas, it is sometimes just a struggle on expectations of me as those are different. I have been with the company for years and I moved up thru the ranks.

We provide external support and it is a relatively small team, so my ACD queue doesn't really exist. We primarily only have one tier, but team members that specialize in different areas.

Author gporter
#4 | Posted: 21 Jul 2009 12:46 
Does the Co have the capacity to implement the ideas? $, resources, time? Do you feel you can take his ideas and translate them into actionable items?

Author chuckswigg
#5 | Posted: 23 Jul 2009 14:27 
Some yes, some no. Money and resources are limited at the time (economy) but we have time to work to implement some of his ideas. Would you be willing to discuss privately rather than on a public board?

Author gporter
#6 | Posted: 24 Jul 2009 13:29 

Author chuckswigg
#7 | Posted: 6 Aug 2009 13:46 
please email me at chuck_swigg at yahoo


Author Schottsi
#8 | Posted: 18 Aug 2009 07:06 
I recommend looking for someone who is very successful at your new field....... then do whatever you can to learn from them.

When I wanted to get better at sales, I picked up books from Zig Ziglar and Dale Carnegie and others to read. They were the best in the field; perfect mentors who taught me so much in so little time.

I heard a millionaire at a seminar say that a few times a year his "Millionaire Club" brought in a billionaire guest speaker so they could all learn something.

Success leaves clues, so I would seek out the successful and learn.

Good luck

Author ayaree
#9 | Posted: 24 Aug 2009 19:33 
Chuckswigg, are you all set? I see that a direct conversation with you was in the works a good month ago. I think there was something pretty role-specific that you were looking for. I haven't had the same path identically, but I think I could offer something from the Soundboard perspective, as someone who has had to take on areas that I was not schooled in (and learned how to deal with that EXPERTISE and yet be their boss). But if you reached the questions you were looking for, that's great.

Author michaelnelms
#10 | Posted: 1 Sep 2009 14:01 
Well.. I find myself in a similar situation that Chuck was in. I made a post about this (prior to me finding this post) but would love to hear what Chuck found out or to pick up this conversation for the rest of us. Also, to what Schottsi said. I agree with that also. I have been doing a lot of reading lately but would also like some real world perspective from the team here.
My post is at:
http://www.customerservicemanager.com/community/index.php?action=vthre ad&forum=6&topic=704

In case a mod wants to merge them.

Thanks in advance

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 CSM in search of mentor

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