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Do you have the right players in your line-up?

Author jss621
#1 | Posted: 8 Dec 2010 06:52 
Good Morning,

I am new to this forum and hope to help you all make a difference in your customer service management. As a former HR manager in a retail environment, I know how hard it is to really understand the whole person you might be hiring from the ordinary interview process. And I have seen the dramatic effect poor hires can make on your customer service and client retention. Wouldn't you wan tot take the guesswork out of these hiring decisions and in the end reduce turnover and increase cutomer loyalty? Let me help solve this mystery for you by contacting me @ janis@SmartTalentSolutions.com.

Author raevans
#2 | Posted: 17 Jan 2011 12:13 
I would tend to agree that the person you hire would make a huge impact on key levers of the business, so let me ask you this question.

What is one thing you would pinpoint as a 'red flag' that should tell a manager to steer clear of a prospective employee?

Author bwill567
#3 | Posted: 23 Mar 2011 21:25 
If the person can't give any concrete and recent examples of when they provided memorable service.

Who's Who Customer Service Manager Forum / Who's Who /
 Do you have the right players in your line-up?

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